
In the js/anreact/test/sessionless folder,

npm i

Test AnTreeditor

Test page:


This front page works with jserv-sandbox. For @anclient/anreact v0.4.36, a docker image, jsandbox:treeditor, for testing AnTreeditor is published.

To install Docker, start the container with scripts:


This will pull a docker image, odysz/jsandbox:treeditor, into a local container.

Start VS Code, load dist/widgets.html with Anprism. Following is what is expected:

../../_images/04-treeditor-1.jpg ../../_images/04-treeditor-2.jpg ../../_images/04-treeditor-3.jpg ../../_images/05-treegrid-4.gif

To deploy docker container behind a Nginx proxy for https protocol, see Tip: deploy docker as Nginx backend server working as a https domain

Customize Tree Grid

See Anclient/examples/example.js/album/app.tsx, function rander().typeParser().


To Customize cells in AnTreegrid (also AnTreeditor), feed the control with a formatter:

    pk={''} onSelectChange={()=>{}}
      { type: 'iconame', field: 'pname', label: L('Name'),
        grid: {sm: 6, md: 5} },
      { type: 'text', field: 'mime', label: L('type'),
        colFormatter: typeParser, // Customize a cell
        grid: {xs: 1} },
      { type: 'text', field: 'shareby', label: L('share by'),
        grid: {xs: false, sm: 3, md: 2} },
      { type: 'text', field: 'img', label: L('size'), colFormatter: folderSum,
        grid: {xs: false, sm: 2, md: 2}, thFormatter: this.switchDocMedias }
 * In @anclient/anreact/src/react/anreact.tsx:
 * export interface ClassNames {[c: string]: string};
 * export interface Media { isLg?: boolean; isMd?: boolean; isSm?: boolean; isXs?: boolean; isXl?: boolean; };
 * Generate an JSX.Element for rendering a grid cell.
function typeParser(c: AnTreegridCol, n: AnTreeNode,
        opt: {classes: ClassNames, media: Media}) {

    if (n.node.children?.length as number > 0)
        return that.docIcon.typeParser(c, n, opt);

The typeParser() implements the API of anreact/widgets/Treegrid#colFormatter().