DA Semantics Handlers

Configure Semantics Handlers

Handlers can be configured in xml file of which the path is defined in config.xml.


        <!-- For sqlite, src = relative path from this configure file.
                So connection string can be: jdbc:sqlite:WEB-INF/remote.db -->
        <!-- enable sql printing -->


    <t id="semantics" pk="id" columns="id,smtc,tabl,pk,args">
    <!-- smtc: semantics type, e.g. auto: auto increase key.
            see javadoc: https://odys-z.github.io/javadoc/semantic.DA/io/odysz/semantic/DASemantics.smtype.html
        tabl: database table name
        args: arguments for sementics handlers. For args for different handlers, see above javadoc link.

Auto Key

The manage a table for generating varchar type key for entities’ primitive key. See

smtype: autoInc

The generataed key is a Radix 64 integer encoded with Base 64 charactors, and can be used for name of files and folders, so must be careful when configure for Windows, on which the file path is case insensitive.

Semantic.DA accepts configurations form the xml file:


which is usually located in web applications’ root folder, e. g. WEB-INF for servlet. To generate auto-key for Windows, configure the file-sys like

  <t id="default" pk="k" columns="k,v">

The Id generator, DASemantext#genIdPrefix(), will generate string of radix 32 integer.

External File Field

smtype: extfilev2

Save a special field as file from file system.

This handler can manage subfolder in path, configered in xml as field name of data table. The file content providen with uri should be a Base 64 encoded block.

This semantics only used for handling small files. If the file is large, there are an example in Semantic.jserv which uses a block sequence for uploading files.


    <t id="semantics" pk="id" columns="id,smtc,tabl,pk,args">
            <!-- Try delete, save to ./uploads/[busiTbl]/[uri],
                in table attches, pk attId.

To load the file, use function exfFile() provided in Semantic.transact.

// read the field
assertEquals(String.format("uploads/zsu.ua/ody/2022-10/%s Sun Yet-sen.jpg", pid),
             DAHelper.getValstr(st, connId, phm, phm.uri, phm.pk, pid));

// read the file
assertEquals(content64, DAHelper.getExprstr(st, connId, phm,
      Funcall.extfile(phm.uri), phm.uri,
      phm.pk, pid));