Quick Start (Android)


The Album Synchronizer Android client must run with a server (usually deployed as a family file server). This server must be installed on a personal computer (only for Windows & Docker).

The server program, Album Service Installer for Windows, Album_Install.msi is released as a install file. The lastest version can be found at here. (Please do not confused with other products at the page.)

This program is currently only tested on Windows 10.


Once the server installed and the service is started up, open Album Synchronizer for Android, and in the Settings page, setup device Id and user Id.

  • Set Device Name

Album Synchronizer uses device name to distinguish files from varial file source. Users must name their device with a unique name in the domain of the file server.

  • Login

Login with user Id and password set by server administrator. Once login successfully, please go back to the home page.

Upload files

In the home page, tap Add Image, Add Video, Add Audio button to select and upload files.