Developers' Guide & Best Practices of Semantics-*

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When to use js/CRUD

Anclient-js provided a wrapper layer to handle typical CRUD processing.

But this handling is heavily based on the assumption that the business is handled in the same pattern. Although is not true in real life, the most part of a real project is heavily based on those simple patterns.

Semantic-* is designed to be handle throse simple CRUD patter, with some extensiblilty to handle complex satuations. In this way, semantic-* can be applied to reduce the developers' work and kept the abilities to be extended to a system as powerful as they want. And semantic-* provided some basical processing can speed up their work, like json protocol, structurized sql composer, etc.

There are typically 3 principles to optimize this handling ability:

Details ...


Semantics-* Concepts

Java Example

The best java example for how to use semantic-* api is the test class,

Javascript Example


Testing Database

There is a sqlite 3 databse for testing in semantic.DA test resource folder named semantic-DA.db.

Semantic-* Concepts
The Runtime context when semantic.transact is building sql.
When building sql, there is some dynamic information needed to build it, like auto generated key and the referencing relationships. It's usually structured like a AST.
Semantext is used to provide the runtime context, after loading the configured semantics in semantics.xml.
In jserv-sample sample web application project, the configure file is located in web-content/WEB-INF.

See javadoc: smtyp for what types DASemantics can handle.

Auto Key

The semantic.DA can automatically generate a 6 digital length, radix 64 integer used for primary key.
It's saved in database as a string, but it's logically an integer.

Semantics.DA doesn't depending on database for implementing this. There is a table named 'oz_autoseq' in the testing database. All sequence number are saved here.



Resulved Value

The auto generated integer is stored in the semantext. To get the resulved value after commit, at server side with java:

semtxtInstance.resulvedVal(table, pk);

To use the resulvedVal while building sql (it's still unknown when referencing it):

statement.nv("col-to-using", new Resulving(table, pk));

Notes about Mysql Collate
Mysql has a special character setting, COLLATE, for different charset. As we frequently handling Chinese, we found it's the only stable way to use the UTF8 charset. Semantic.DA hasen't tested for other charsets.

Also, you need be careful for the COLLATE settings. The default for mysql's UTF8 charset is utf8_general_ci or utf8mb4_general_ci, both of them doesn't distinguish upper case and and lower case. We've tested this on mysql 5.6 and mysq 5.7.

The 'auto-key' semantics will generate a base64 character string representing a integer in radix 64, so the upper and lower cases matter. Make sure all columns handled by 'auto-key' semantics is utf8_bin or utf8mb4_bin. Here is an example:

        CREATE TABLE `a_domain` (
            `domainId` varchar(40) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
            `parentId` varchar(40) ) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
            `domainName` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
            `domainValue` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
            `sort` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
            `others` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '命令  0正常 1火警 2异常 3屏蔽',
            `fullpath` varchar(80) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
            PRIMARY KEY (`domainId`)
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin

In the domain table, domainId is generated throught 'auto-key' semantics handler, and parentId is a reference to the column, so both are using 'utf8_bin'.
The 'other' field is used for some character flags, it's possible for letters, so it's also utf8_bin.
The fullpath is generated from sort and domainId, concatenated to parent's fullpath, it's also using utf8_bin.
Reason for keeping using utf8_general_ci is that it count Chinese characters correctly, no matter how many bytes a character is.

See Mysql 8.0 Manual: Chapter 10 Character Sets, Collations, Unicode for more details.

(Tree Node) Fullpath

The semantic.DA can automatically generate tree node's deep first fullpath for a tree table.

A tree table with fullpath is usually designed like this:

            parent  nodeId  node-name   sibling-sort  fullpath
            null    1       root        1             1 1
            1       2       child 1     1             1 0/1 2
            1       3       child 2     2             1 0/2 3
Where fullpath = parent-fullpath / sibling-sort nodeId.

There are a few pros if a tree table has a fullpath column.

One of it is finding a sub-tree is extemely simple and performance optimized because all nodes in a sub-tree have the same prefixes. No recursive query is needed, which is not supported by all DBMS, and time cosuming.

The other benefit of fullpath is essential to seamntic-*. If the query result set is ordered by fullpath, the resultset will be correctly been converted in tree structure in one iteration.

The semantic-jserv/SemanticTree depends on this, which will convert a general query result to pre-configured tree structure, suitable for client binding.

FK CateIns



FkCateIns is an FK field referencing multiple parent table, typically used for special data table like managing attached files.

If you save all uploaded file in a separate folder, then you may want a special table remembering all the file URI, and for what parent table it's used for. The jserv.sample project come with a table named a_attaches is designed for this:

CREATE TABLE a_attaches (
        attId TEXT NOT NULL, -- attachement ID
        attName TEXT,
        uri TEXT,            -- the resource identity
        busiTbl TEXT,        -- used for e.g. a_users
        busiId TEXT,         -- the user's id, e.g. admin
        oper TEXT,
        optime DATETIME,
        CONSTRAINT a_attaches_PK PRIMARY KEY (attId) );

Also, the semantics-sys.xml configured a semantics fk-ins-cate:

            <!-- 0 business cate (table name); 1 merged child fk; 2 parent table, 3 parent referee [, ...]  -->
                busiTbl busiId a_users userId,
                busiTbl busiId b_tasks taskId

This semantics makes semantics.DA/io.odysz.semantics.DASemantics.ShFkInsCates will replace a_attaches.busiId with auto generated parent key for a_users.

A common error for using this semantics is that update parent, then delete and insert new attachment records. This won't resulve parent pk (not generated so can't find when updating parent table). You probably will get an error message like this:

code: exSemantic, error: Semantics fkCateIns can't been handled without business record Id - resulving failed: a_users.userId

To avoid this assertion error, you can eigther insert attachment after inserted a new parent record, or provide a parent reference for the semantics. For the later method, see the test case, io.odysz.jclient.SemantiClientTest#testUpload().

On Event


Post Fk

Let seamntic.DA update a FK after back referenced record is generated, like the cross referencing.

Why Post Updating?

If a parent record has an FK to a child, the FK can not resulved when inserting parent records. It can only updated when child's PK generated. Post FK can be used to update parent FK aftermath.

Why both Post Fk and Resulving are needed?

Resulving can be used anywhere in a statement subtree referencing ancestor's pk value, but can't resolve reference to children's pk;
Post Fk on the other hand can update cross FK automatically. But it's weak updating - generate the updating SQL only when cliet doesn't provide this value. This makes Post Fk will only update the target value when inseting a child.
Post Fk also can't generate correct sql for NOT NULL FK field. This is because of inserting a new record without value of not null field then update it later in a batch operation is not allowed in many database, like mysql and sqlite.

User can solve this problem with any of two ways:
1. Let the field nullable;
2. Use a Resulving when create the statement.

The first solution can weaken the DB data schema checking;
the second way is a little complicate and must used in all updating handling case rather than configure in xml in one sigle place. It's guarenteed up to user not by system supporting.