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About Semantic-*

The semantic-* is a cross plateform enterprise B/S application framework. It includes 3 major modules working together to be used as a web application of which the server running on servlet 3.0.

There are multiple clients. For quick start, it's better starting from the js EasyUI client, see anclient/js/EasyUI quick start.

Semantic-* includes:

Since version 1.1, an additional common module, Antson, is added to it for handling (de)serialize structured data of java and c# (and Python in the future) to / from json. Antson will be used to generalize and wrap the protocol layer which is based on json message.

The semantic-* also including an extension module providing some basic workflow engine function, which can be configured with:

In addition to the library and extensions, there is also a maven sample project, jserv-sample, showing how to use sematnic-*.
It's recommended clone and use this project as a web server project template. It should be a good starting point.

About anclient/*

anclient/* is a collection of a few clients that working with semantic-* sample project, the jserv-sample.

It includes:

Quick Start

To get semantic-* running, you must setup to separate module, server and client.

The server is a web application, it's been tested on tomcat for some comercial project.

The client are planned to extent an other js version based on vue.js, and a c# version. But till v1.1, there only a js client based on EasyUI is avialable.

To start with semantic-*, please follow these step.

Developer's Guide

Semantic-* References

API Docs (Javadoc, Jsdoc)

About G4 Loader

It's only a prototype now. See the doc here.

Notes / Wiki

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