Source: lib/component/obj3.js

import {LayerChannel} from '../xmath/layer'

/**Why Obj3Type not documented without this section?
 * @memberof XComponent
 * @class Testclass
const Testclass = {};

/**Types of THREE.Geometry, in addition to some extensions like shapes in 2d.
 * TODO To be renamed as GeomType
 * @enum {int} Obj3Type
 * @memberof XComponent
const Obj3Type = {
	/** custom or undefined
	USER: 0,

	 * paras:<br>
	 * [width, height, depth]
	BOX: 1,
	PLANE: 2,
	TORUS: 4,
	/** [radius, height, radialSegments] */
	CONE: 5,

	/** THREE.Cylinder<br>
	 * box paras:<br>
	 * radiusTop — Radius of the cylinder at the top. Default is 1.<br>
	 * radiusBottom — Radius of the cylinder at the bottom. Default is 1.<br>
	 * height — Height of the cylinder. Default is 1.<br>
	 * radialSegments — Number of segmented faces around the circumference of the cylinder. Default is 8<br>
	 * heightSegments — Number of rows of faces along the height of the cylinder. Default is 1.<br>
	 * openEnded — A Boolean indicating whether the ends of the cylinder are open or capped. Default is false, meaning capped.<br>
	 * thetaStart — Start angle for first segment, default = 0 (three o'clock position).<br>
	 * thetaLength — The central angle, often called theta, of the circular sector. The default is 2*Pi, which makes for a complete cylinder.<br>
	Cylinder: 6,
	/** <a href=''>Three.js Tetrahedron</a><br>
	 * box paras:<br>
	 * radius — Radius of the tetrahedron. Default is 1.<br>
	 * detail — Default is 0. Setting this to a value greater than 0 adds vertices making it no longer a tetrahedron.*/
	Tetrahedron: 0x10,	//
	/** <a href=''>Three.js Dodecahedron</a> */
	Dodecahedron: 0x11,
	/** <a href=''>Three.js Octahedron</a> */
	Octahedron: 0x12,	//
	/** <a href=''>Three.js Icosahedron</a> */
	Icosahedron: 0x13,	//
	/** <a href=''>Three.js Icosahedron</a> */
	SHAPE: 0x20,
	/** <a href=''>Three.js Icosahedron</a> */
	RING: 0X21,
	/** THREE.PolyhedronBufferGeometry, not supported */
	Polyhedron: 0x22,
	/** <a href=''>Three.js Icosahedron</a> */
	Lathe: 0x23,		//

	/** line<br>
	 * For gl.LINE_STRip vs. gl.LINES, see
	 * <a href=''>Three.js Icosahedron</a>
	CIRCLE: 0x42,
	HILBERT: 0x43,
	/** Random CatmullRomCurve3 */
	RandomCurve: 0x44,
	/** Random line segments */
	RandomSects: 0x45,

	/** THREE.Curve, with section points provided by user */
    PointSects: 0x86,
	/** ? */
    PointGrid: 0x87,
	/** same as pointSect, but converted to THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 */
    PointCurve: 0x88,
	/** TODO */
    SvgPath: 0x89,
	/** @deprecated same as pointSect, but converted to THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 */
    CatmullRom: 0x8a,
	/** Geojson path */
	GeoPath: 0x8b,
	/** Polygon in xz plane from way points, with y = paras.y0. */
	MapXZRoad: 0x8c,
	/** Hexatiles generated with help of {@link AssetKeepr}. */
	Hexatile: 0x8d,
	/** Tiles of cylinders generated by extruding polygon, with help of {@link AssetKeepr}.<br>
	 * Shader: ShaderFlag.boxLayers or texPrism */
	GeoPrism: 0x8e,

    Spline: 0x91,
    XyHyperbola: 0x92,
    XyParabola: 0x93,
    XyEllipse: 0x94,

/**Main scene Object, like THREE.Mesh, THREE.Points, etc.
 * Typically, if Visual.vtype is mesh, sys.Thrender will create a THREE.Object3D according
 * to this component.
 * See also xv.ecs.sys.{@link Thrender.createObj3s}.
 * @class Obj3
 * @memberof XComponent
const Obj3 = {
	properties: {
		/**@member Obj3#geom
		 * @property {Obj3Type} geom - geometry type
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		geom: Obj3Type.USER,
		/**2020.07.29 - extending for filtering data. Test case: GeoPrism in virtual-area.html.
		 * @member Obj3#filter
		 * @property {string} filter - data filter (lambda?)
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		filter: undefined,
		/**Parent group's engity id
		 * TODO in version 1.0, only works for HudGroup parent.
		 * @member Obj3#group
		 * @property {string} group - entity id of parent group
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		group: undefined,
		/**@member Obj3#layers
		 * @property {LayerChannel} layers - channel mask managed by x-visual.
		 * User shouldn't use it. Use *chennels* to set visible channels.
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		layers: 1 << LayerChannel.ALL,
		/**@member Obj3#channel
		 * @property {LayerChannel} channel - channel: [0 ~ 15].
		 * User shouldn't use it. Use *chennels* to set visible channels.
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		channels: undefined,
		/**@member Obj3#occluding
		 * @property {int} occluding - 0: 1 << LayerChannel.NONE,
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		occluding: 0,
		/**Only meaningful to meshes with x-shaders acceptiong light parameters,
		 * e.g. texPrism, colorArray or so.
		 * @member Obj3#lightened
		 * @property {int} lightened - is this object been affected by xlight,
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		lightened: false,

		/**@member Obj3#box
		 * @property {array} box  - geometry constructor parameters, always not null
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		box: [20, 20, 20],
		/**@member Obj3#mesh
		 * @property {array} mesh - THREE.Mesh for BOX etc. or Array of vertices for POINTS
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		mesh: undefined,

		/**2020.06.01 used as buffer for transform operation,
		 * see {@link CanvTex#update()}.
		 * FIXME but can this merge with m0 ?
		 * @member Obj3#transform
		 * @property {array} transform - {translate, scale, rotate, shear, reflect, mat4}, default unused
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		transform: undefined,
		/**@deprecated moved to CmpTween?
		 * @member Obj3#affines
		 * @property {array} affines - Elements are same as 'transform',
		 * but used by xtweener, and mart4 is used for combined results;
		 * default must be undefined, created by XTweener
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		affines: undefined,
		/**@member Obj3#m0
		 * @property {mat4} m0 - mesh's matrix snapshot at the biginning of all sequences actived.
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		m0: undefined,
		/**@member Obj3#mi
		 * @property {mat4} mi - mat4 of combined transformation
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		mi: undefined,
		/**@member Obj3#mi_z
		 * @property {mat4} mi_z - mi backup (later can be used for keeping results)
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		mi_z: undefined,
		/**@member Obj3#invisible
		 * @property {array} invisible - not visible, default false
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		invisible: false,
		/**@member Obj3#unforms
		 * @property {array} unforms - uniforms for shader
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		uniforms: undefined,
		/**@member Obj3#datum
		 * @property {array} datum  - used as user custom data
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		datum: undefined

/** HUD display group. All child in the group are always facing camera.
 * @class HudGroup
 * @memberof XComponent
const HudGroup = {
	properties: {
		/**@member HudGroup#background
		 * @property {Obj3Type} background - background color, do not set unless main scene shoudn't visible
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		background: undefined,
		/**@member HudGroup#scene
		 * @property {Obj3Type} scene - used by x-visual
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		scene: undefined,
		/**@member HudGroup#camera
		 * @property {Obj3Type} camera - used by x-visual
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		camera: undefined,
		/**@member HudGroup#light
		 * @property {object.<{skyColor: number, groundColor: number, intensity: number}>} light - configure light
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		light: undefined

/** HUD child object.
 * @class HudChild
 * @memberof XComponent
const HudChild = {
	properties: {
		/**Design Memo: Should this been merged with
		 * @member HudChild#hud
		 * @property {Obj3Type} hud - hud entity id for will this child been attached
		 * @memberof XComponent */
		hud: undefined,

export {Obj3, Obj3Type, HudGroup, HudChild};