import * as THREE from 'three'
import earcut from 'earcut'
import {DirTubeBufferGeometry, DirTubeGeometry} from '../../packages/three/geometries/TubeGeometry'
import {XError} from '../xutils/xcommon'
import {vec3} from './vec'
import {Obj3Type} from '../component/obj3'
import {TexFlag} from '../component/visual'
* A collection of common math function for geometry manipulation.
* @class xgeom
export default class geom {
/**@constructor xgeom */
constructor() {}
/**Generate curve
* @param {object} cmpObj3 Obj3
* @param {object} paras e.g. Visual.paras
* paras.curve {@link CurveType}<pre>
paras.segments: only for CurveType.randomCurve, | randomSegament generated curve segments
paras.range: only for CurveType.randomCurve | randomSegament, generated range, default 400
paras.points array of point, point = [nubmer, number, number]</pre>
* @return {object} {curve, points}, where geomCurve is THREE.BufferGeometry,
* points is the THREE.Vector3 array
* @member xgeom.generateCurve
* @function
static generateCurve(cmpObj3, paras) {
var dvsion = && > 0 ?[0] : 6;
var o = Array.isArray(paras.origin) ? paras.origin : [0, 0, 0];
var s = paras.scale;
s = Array.isArray(s) ? s : typeof s === 'number' ? [s, s, s] : [1, 1, 1];
switch ( cmpObj3.geom ) {
case Obj3Type.RandomCurve:
case Obj3Type.RandomSects:
var points = [];
var r = paras.range === undefined ? 400 : paras.range;
for ( var i = 0; i < ([0] || 2); i ++ ) {
// for ( var i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) {
var x = Math.random() * r - r / 2;
var y = Math.random() * r - r / 2;
var z = Math.random() * r - r / 2;
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( x, y, z ) );
// TODO add other attributes like colour here
// var line,
var geomCurve, line;
if (cmpObj3.geom === Obj3Type.RandomCurve) {
line = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3( points );
var samples = line.getPoints( points.length * dvsion )
geomCurve = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( samples );
else {
geomCurve = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( points );
// line = new THREE.LineSegments(geomCurve);
return {geomCurve, points, curve: line};
case Obj3Type.PointSects:
// FIXME API needing to be redesigned
// FIXME There should be a regularized way to express geometry paramters
// E.g. paras.sects can be the same for both GeomCurve and DynaSects
// var points = [];
// for (var segx = 0; segx < paras.points.length; segx ++) {
// var xyz = paras.points[segx];
// points.push( new THREE.Vector3( (xyz[0] + o[0]) * s[0],
// (xyz[1] + o[1]) * s[1],
// (xyz[2] + o[2]) * s[2] ) );
// }
// var geomCurve = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( points );
// return {geomCurve, points};
// var sects = [];
var points = [];
var o = Array.isArray(paras.origin) ? paras.origin : [0, 0, 0];
var s = paras.scale === undefined ? 1 : paras.scale;
var sx, sy, sz;
if (Array.isArray(s)) {
sx = s[0]; sy = s[1]; sz = s[2];
else if (typeof s === 'number') {
sx = sy = sz = s;
else sx = sy = sz = 1;
for ( var segx = 0; segx < paras.sects.length; segx++ ) {
var xyz = paras.sects[segx][0];
var p1 = new THREE.Vector3( (xyz[0] + o[0]) * sx,
(xyz[1] + o[1]) * sy,
(xyz[2] + o[2]) * sz );
xyz = paras.sects[segx][1];
var p2 = new THREE.Vector3( (xyz[0] + o[0]) * sx,
(xyz[1] + o[1]) * sy,
(xyz[2] + o[2]) * sz );
// var geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( [p1, p2] );
points.push( p1, p2 );
// sects.push( geom );
var geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( points );
// return {geomCurve: sects, points};
return {geomCurve: geom, points};
case Obj3Type.PointGrid:
case Obj3Type.PointCurve:
var points = [];
for (var segx = 0; segx < paras.points.length; segx++) {
var xyz = paras.points[segx];
points.push( new THREE.Vector3( (xyz[0] + o[0]) * s[0],
(xyz[1] + o[1]) * s[1], (xyz[2] + o[2]) * s[2] ) );
var line = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3( points );
var samples = line.getPoints( points.length * dvsion ); // not for svg path
geomCurve = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints( samples );
return {geomCurve, points, curve: line};
case Obj3Type.SvgPath:
throw new XError('Unsupported curve: ', cmpObj3.geom, cmpObj3);
/**Create a {@link DirTubeBufferGeometry} for rendering and tweening.
* The vertices should include attributes of 'a_tan', and uniform 'wpos', the
* world pos can by tweend as {@link XComponent.AnimType}.U_PATH_MORPH.
* @return {object} {tube, path}, where tube is THREE.BufferGeometry,
* @member xgeom.generateDirTube
static generateDirTube(obj3, paras) {
var {geomCurve, points, curve} = geom.generateCurve(obj3, paras);
if (!curve)
throw new XError('Only curve can be used for generating tube mesh. Entity ',;
// var tube = new THREE.TubeBufferGeometry( curve, paras.tubularSegments || 20,
// paras.radius || 2, paras.radialSegments || 6, paras.closed || false );
var tube = new DirTubeBufferGeometry( curve, paras.tubularSegments || 20,
paras.radius || 2, paras.radialSegments || 6, paras.closed || false );
return {tube, path: curve};
/**<p id='generateWayxz'>Generate a x-z plane road polygon alone paths.</p>
* Generated road model is applied with geostyle.scale, default 1. So if the
* referencing path is scaled, the wpos/wtan for shader to animate also been
* scaled.
* @param {array} paths array of geojson features.
* @param {number} y0 y for all vertices
* @param {array} origin [x, y, z]
* @param {object} style {halfWidth: number, scale: number}
* @param {number} [angleEpsilon=0.2] minimum angle to be taken as a stright segament.
* - using second point as intersecting point to avoid error (precision problem?)
* @return {object} {geom: geometry, path: {points: Float32Array}}
* @member xgeom.generateWayxz
* @function
static generateWayxz(paths, y0, origin, style, angleEpsilon) {
const epsilon = angleEpsilon || 0.2;
const halfW = style ? style.halfWidth || 10 : 10;
const geoScale = style ? style.scale || 1 : 1;
const o = origin || [0, 0, 0];
y0 = y0 || 0;
var l0 = [0, 0, 0], l1 = [0, 0, 0], l2 = [0, 0, 0];
var r2 = [0, 0, 0], r1 = [0, 0, 0], r0 = [0, 0, 0];
var l1_ = [0, 0, 0], r1_ = [0, 0, 0];
var dir = [0, 0, 0], dir1 = [0, 0, 0];
var plen = 0, plen_done = 0;
var pathIsArray = true;
for (var path of paths) {
if (Array.isArray(path)) {
plen += path.length;
pathIsArray = true;
else {
plen += path.geometry.coordinates.length;
pathIsArray = false;
var waypoints = new Float32Array(2 * plen * 3); // double side
var uvs = new Float32Array(2 * plen * 2);
var normals = new Float32Array(2 * plen * 3);;
var dirs = new Float32Array(2 * plen * 3);
var pos = new Float32Array(2 * plen * 3);
var index = [];
for (var geoFeature of paths) {
var path;
if ( !pathIsArray )
path = geoFeature.geometry.coordinates;
else ; // paths must be a 2D array
var pleni = path.length;
for (var pi = 0; pi < pleni; pi++) {
var u = pleni > 1 ? pi / (pleni - 1) : pi; // reset u for each segment
if (pi > 0)
dir = pathDir(path, pi, dir);
dir = pathDir(path, pi+1, dir);
// var l_i0, l_i1, l_i2, r_i0, r_i1, r_i2; // way points indices
l_i0 = 2 * plen - 1 - (pi + plen_done);
r_i2 = pi + plen_done;
var l_i0, l_i1, r_i1, r_i2; // way points indices
if (pi > 0) {
l_i1 = l_i0 + 1;
r_i1 = r_i2 - 1;
vec3.scaleTo(1, dir);
dirs.set(dir, pi * 3);
// current path point
var p0 = [(path[pi][0] - o[0]) * geoScale,
y0 || 0, // in xz plane of geo point
(path[pi][1] - o[1]) * geoScale]; // +z = south (3857 smaller y)
pos.set(p0, pi * 3);
vec3.copyArr(l2, l1);
vec3.copyArr(l1, l0);
l0 = geom.xzExpandWaypoint(p0, dir, halfW, y0, l0, true);
vec3.copyArr(r0, r1);
vec3.copyArr(r1, r2);
r2 = geom.xzExpandWaypoint(p0, dir, halfW, y0, r2);
// console.log(r2[0], r2[2]);
if (pi > 1) {
// previous path point, used for finding the 2nd segment
var p_1 = [(path[pi-1][0] - o[0]) * geoScale,
y0 || 0,
// (o[1] - path[pi-1][1]) * geoScale]; // +z = south (3857 smaller y)
(path[pi-1][1] - o[1]) * geoScale]; // +z = south (3857 smaller y)
pathDir(path, pi-1, dir1);
if (geom.xzAngle( dir1, dir ) < epsilon) {
// intersection will result in wrong position - precision isssue?
// debugger
else {
var l1_ = geom.xzExpandWaypoint([p_1[0], y0, p_1[2]], dir, halfW, y0, l1_, true);
var r1_ = geom.xzExpandWaypoint([p_1[0], y0, p_1[2]], dir, halfW, y0, r1_);
// plen = 12,
// i = 0, i = 1; i = 2; i = 3
// r0: 0, l2: 21; r1: 3, l1: 18; r2: 6, l2: 15; r3: 9, l3: 12
checkSide(l0, l1_, l1, l2, l1_); // note index in reversed order
// waypoints.set(l1_, l_i1 * 3);
setWaypoints(l1_, l_i1);
checkSide(r0, r1, r1_, r2, r1_);
// waypoints.set(r1_, r_i1 * 3);
setWaypoints(r1_, r_i1);
setWaypoints(l0, l_i0);
uvs.set([u, 0], l_i0 * 2);
normals.set([0, 1, 0], l_i0 * 3);
dirs.set(dir, l_i0 * 3);
setWaypoints(r2, r_i2);
uvs.set([u, 1], r_i2 * 2);
normals.set([0, 1, 0], r_i2 * 3);
dirs.set(dir, r_i2 * 3);
if (pi > 0) {
// var a = l_i1, b = r_i1, c = r_i2, d = l_i0;
// 3857 +y <==> three.js -z
var a = r_i1, b = l_i1, c = l_i0, d = r_i2;
index.push(a, b, d);
index.push(b, c, d);
plen_done += pleni;
// TODO add round cap?
var pathGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
pathGeometry.setAttribute("position", new THREE.BufferAttribute(waypoints, 3));
pathGeometry.setAttribute("a_pos", new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(pos, 3));
pathGeometry.setAttribute("a_tan", new THREE.BufferAttribute(dirs, 3));
pathGeometry.setAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
pathGeometry.setAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );
return {geom: pathGeometry, path: {points: waypoints}};
function pathDir(geopath, ix, buff, y0) {
return vec3.subArr(
[geopath[ix][0], y0 || 0, geopath[ix][1]],
[geopath[ix-1][0], y0 || 0, geopath[ix-1][1]], buff);
function checkSide(p0, p1, p2, p3, buf) {
var reslt = geom.checkLineIntersection(
p0[0], p0[2], p1[0], p1[2],
p2[0], p2[2], p3[0], p3[2] );
buf[0] = reslt.x;
buf[2] = reslt.y;
return buf;
function setWaypoints(p, ix) {
// 3857 y = three.js -z, reverse p[2]
waypoints.set([p[0], p[1], -p[2]], ix * 3);
/** return |atan(vec0[2], vec0[0]) - atan(vec1[2], vec[0])|
* @param {array} vec0 [x, y, z]
* @param {array} vec1 [x, y, z]
* @member xgeom.xzAngle
static xzAngle(vec0, vec1) {
var a0 = Math.atan2(vec0[2], vec0[0]);
return Math.abs(a0 - Math.atan2(vec1[2], vec1[0]));
static xzExpandWaypoint(p, dir, w, y0, buf, isLeft) {
var off = [0, 0, 0];
vec3.crossArr(dir, [0, isLeft ? -1 : 1, 0], off);
vec3.scaleTo(w, off);
vec3.addArr(p, off, buf);
if (y0 !== undefined)
buf[1] = y0;
return buf;
/**Find 2d line intersection<br>
* Line1: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]<br>
* Line2: [(x3, y3), (x4, y4)]<br>
* Reference:
* <a href=''>
justin_c_rounds's Calculating the intersection of two lines</a> &
* <a href=''>
* Math.js 3D version</a>
* @param {number} x1
* @param {number} y1
* @param {number} x2
* @param {number} y2
* @param {number} x3
* @param {number} y3
* @param {number} x4
* @param {number} y4
* @return {object} {x: number | null, y: number | null, onL1: bool, onL2: bool}
* @member xgeom.checkLineIntersection
* @function
static checkLineIntersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
// if the lines intersect, the result contains the x and y of the intersection (treating the lines as infinite) and booleans for whether line segment 1 or line segment 2 contain the point
var denominator, a, b, numerator1, numerator2, result = {
x: x2,
y: y2,
xy: [x2, y2],
onLine1: true,
onLIne2: true
denominator = ((y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1)) - ((x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1));
if (denominator == 0) {
return result;
a = y1 - y3;
b = x1 - x3;
numerator1 = ((x4 - x3) * a) - ((y4 - y3) * b);
numerator2 = ((x2 - x1) * a) - ((y2 - y1) * b);
a = numerator1 / denominator;
b = numerator2 / denominator;
// if we cast these lines infinitely in both directions, they intersect here:
result.x = x1 + (a * (x2 - x1));
result.y = y1 + (a * (y2 - y1));
result.xy = [x1 + (a * (x2 - x1)), y1 + (a * (y2 - y1))];
// it is worth noting that this should be the same as:
x = x3 + (b * (x4 - x3));
y = x3 + (b * (y4 - y3));
// if line1 is a segment and line2 is infinite, they intersect if:
if (a > 0 && a < 1) {
result.onLine1 = true;
// if line2 is a segment and line1 is infinite, they intersect if:
if (b > 0 && b < 1) {
result.onLine2 = true;
// if line1 and line2 are segments, they intersect if both of the above are true
return result;
/**Get point alone path, at weight t, and set result point in buffer.
* Stolen from SplineCurve.prototype.getPoint
* @param {THREE.Vector3} pointBuffer
* @param {array<THREE.Vector3>} path point array of THREE.Vector3
* @param {number} t weight, range 0 - 1
* @return {THREE.Vector3} point
* @member xgeom.getPointAt
* @function
static getPointAt(pointBuffer, path, t) {
var point = pointBuffer || new Vector3();
var points = path; //.points;
var p = ( points.length - 1 ) * t;
var intPoint = Math.floor( p );
if (intPoint < 0) {
console.warn('Point index out of range. P: ',
intPoint, 'buffer: ', pointBuffer, 't: ', t, 'path: ', path);
intPoint = 0;
var weight = p - intPoint;
var p0 = points[ intPoint === 0 ? intPoint : intPoint - 1 ];
var p1 = points[ intPoint ];
var p2 = points[ intPoint > points.length - 2 ? points.length - 1 : intPoint + 1 ];
var p3 = points[ intPoint > points.length - 3 ? points.length - 1 : intPoint + 2 ];
geom.catmullRom( weight, p0.x, p1.x, p2.x, p3.x ),
geom.catmullRom( weight, p0.y, p1.y, p2.y, p3.y ),
geom.catmullRom( weight, p0.z, p1.z, p2.z, p3.z )
return point;
/**Get point alone path, where path is a Float32Array array.
* The method ignored different distance between way points
* @param {THREE.Vector3} pointBuffer
* @param {THREE.Vector3} [dirBuffer]
* @param {array<Float32Array>} points32 point array of path
* @param {number} t weight, range 0 - 1
* @return {object.<{point: THREE.Vector3, tan: THREE.Vecotor3}>} {point, tan}
* @member xgeom.getWayPointAt
* @function
static getWayPointAt(pointBuffer, dirBuffer, points32, t) {
var point = pointBuffer || new Vector3();
var p = ( points32.length / 3 - 1 ) * t;
var intPoint = Math.floor( p );
if (intPoint < 0) {
// console.warn('Point index out of range. P: ',
// intPoint, 'buffer: ', pointBuffer, 't: ', t, 'path: ', path);
intPoint = 0;
var weight = p - intPoint;
var px0 = intPoint === 0 ? intPoint : (intPoint - 1) * 3;
var p0 = [ points32[ px0 ], points32[ px0+1 ], points32[ px0+2 ] ];
var px1 = intPoint * 3;
var p1 = [ points32[ px1 ], points32[ px1+1 ], points32[ px1+2 ] ];
var px2 = intPoint > points32.length / 3 - 2 ? points32.length - 3 : (intPoint + 1) * 3;
var p2 = [ points32[ px2 ], points32[ px2+1 ], points32[ px2+2 ] ];
var px3 = intPoint > points32.length / 3 - 3 ? points32.length - 3 : (intPoint + 2) * 3;
var p3 = [ points32[ px3 ], points32[ px3+1 ], points32[ px3+2 ] ];
geom.catmullRom( weight, p0[0], p1[0], p2[0], p3[0] ),
geom.catmullRom( weight, p0[1], p1[1], p2[1], p3[1] ),
geom.catmullRom( weight, p0[2], p1[2], p2[2], p3[2] )
if (dirBuffer) {
if (weight > 0) {
dirBuffer.set( p1[0] - p0[0], p1[1] - p0[1], p1[2] - p0[2] );
else dirBuffer.set(0, 0, 0);
return {point, tan: dirBuffer};
* <a href=''>
* Returns a vector for a given position on the curve</a>.
* Stolen from:
* @author zz85 /
* Bezier Curves formulas obtained from
* @member xgeom.catmullRom
* @function
static catmullRom( t, p0, p1, p2, p3 ) {
var v0 = ( p2 - p0 ) * 0.5;
var v1 = ( p3 - p1 ) * 0.5;
var t2 = t * t;
var t3 = t * t2;
return ( 2 * p1 - 2 * p2 + v0 + v1 ) * t3 + ( - 3 * p1 + 3 * p2 - 2 * v0 - v1 ) * t2 + v0 * t + p1;
/**get prism paras from Visual.paras
* @param {Obj3} obj3
* @param {string} obj3.filter the feature area filter. If set,
* must has an 'area' property equal to this. see {@link AssetKeepr.geoTexturePrism}
* @param {object} vparas Visual.paras
* @param {number} vparas.maxVerts, only works in synchrodous mode
* @param {number} [vparas.coutn=100] features
* @param {array} [vparas.tile=[1, 1]] tiles
* @param {number} [vparas.geoScale=1]
* @param {array} [vparas.origin=[0, 0]] geo-center
* @param {function} [vparas.onFeature] callback on each features
* @param {function} [vparas.geostyle.onGroup] callback on each group
* @return {object} potions form prism generating
* @member xgeom.formatPrismOption
* @function
* */
static formatPrismOption(obj3, vparas) {
var opts = {
filter: obj3.filter,
maxVerts: vparas.maxVerts, // only works in synchrodous mode
count: vparas.count || 100,
height: vparas.geostyle ? vparas.geostyle.height || 1 : 1,
tiles: vparas.tile ? vparas.tile.tiles : [1, 1],
geoScale: vparas.geostyle ? vparas.geostyle.scale || 1 : 1,
geoCentre: vparas.origin || [0, 0, 0],
onFeature: vparas.onFeature,
onGroup: vparas.geostyle ? vparas.geostyle.onGroup : undefined
if (vparas.boxes)
opts.boxes = vparas.boxes;
return opts;
/**<p id='hexaprism3857'>Generate a tile of hexagon volume. All coordinates
* are in world. This method is usually been used via {@link AssetKeepr.geoHexaprism}
* in synchronous way or {@link AssetKeepr.geoHexaprismAsync} asynchronously</p>
* The hexagon center = (cell - geoCentre) * scale, with height ignoring scale,
* and world z is reversed, z = - (cell.y - geoCentre.y)
* This function is supposed to be called by a geojson stream handler, providing
* reversed +z direction.
* Reference:<br>
* <a href=''>
* mathworks: Generating an Array of Hexagonal Shape Pattern</a><br>
* <a href=''>
* Best way of sharing vertices: flat</a><br>
* <a href=''>
* walk around of sharing vertics in webgl 1.0: flat shading in webGL</a><br>
* <a href=''>
* shareing vertices normals is hard in webgl 1.0: WebGL Flat Shading</a><br>
* <a href=''>
* Three.js cylinder way: CylinderGeometry#generateCap()</a><br>
* <a href=''>
* reading: OpenGl Tutorial - VBO Indexing</a><br>
* <a href=''>
* Three.js Custom BufferGeometry, Three.js Fundamentals</a><br>
* @param {object} cell information of cell geometry to be created
* cell.coord: [x, y] - 2d position, in epsg 3857 ( +y pointing -z in x world)
* cell.height: number - default 1
* cell.geoscale: number - default 1, y scale ignored (always 1).
* @param {array} geoCentre 2d position, in epsg 3857, for the scene center
* @param {array} tile0 2d array of model position of 6 hexagon vertices,
* in three.js world, typically got with {@link xgeom.hexatile}
* @param {object} ctx context of stream data processing<pre>
pos: Float32Array(verts * 3);
loc: Float32Array(verts * 3);
uvs: Float32Array(verts * 2);
normals: Float32Array(verts * 3);
dirs: Float32Array(verts * 3); attribute a_tan,
where a_tan[1] = onGroup(), (a_tan[0, 1] represent dir in xz plane),
where onGroup function is provide by user, giving a chance to set a feature's flag.
index: [];
vx: number - the first vertex index of a feature, 0, 26, ...</pre>
* where verts is the total vertices number, verts = features * 26
* @return {object} part of vertices {pos, uvs, normals, dirs, index}, totally 28 vertices
* @member xgeom.hexaprism3857
* @function
static hexaprism3857(cell, geoCentre, tile0, ctx) {
const h = cell.height >= 0 ? cell.height : 1;
const s = cell.geoScale || 1;
// translate center and scale
var c0 = [0, 0, 0];
vec3.subArr([cell.coord[0], 0, cell.coord[1]],
[ geoCentre[0], 0, geoCentre[1] ], c0);
vec3.mulArr(c0, [s, 1, -s], c0); // -s: simply project 3857 to x world
var vbuff = [0, 0, 0];
var verts = 14; // 6 edge with 7 vertices
verts += 6 * 2; // and up down sides verts
const stride = 6 + 7; // stride from lower vertex to the upper
ctx.stride = stride;
var {pos, loc, uvs, normals, dirs, index} = ctx;
var ix = 0;
// side face (7 column)
for (; ix <= 6; ix++) {
var v = tile0.vert[ix%6];
// with a_tan.y (normals.y) as group index
v[1] = || 0;
var n = tile0.norm[ix%6];
setLateralEdge(v, n, c0, h, ctx.vx + ix);
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // 6 side by 7 column
// a d (upper = lower + stride)
// | | ...
// b c (lower first)
// as lower first, verts arry is: [ b c |-stride-| a d ... ]
// ^i + feature-x
var b = i + ctx.vx;
var a = b + stride, c = b + 1;
var d = a + 1;
index.push(b, c, d);
index.push(b, d, a);
// end caps
var fx0 = ix + ctx.vx; // starting cap vertex' index
// 6 verts down, 6 verts up
for (v of tile0.vert) {
setCapverts(v, c0, h, ctx.vx + ix);
ix++ ;
// for face index, see docs/design-memo/imgs/006-hexatile.png
capFace(0, 2, 4, fx0); // 2 faces
capFace(0, 1, 2, fx0);
capFace(2, 3, 4, fx0);
capFace(4, 5, 0, fx0);
ctx.vx += verts;
return ctx;
// set a prism's up-down verts
function setLateralEdge(v, n, c0, h, vx) {
vec3.addArr(v, c0, vbuff);
var u = (vx - ctx.vx)/6;
// lower
pos.set(vbuff, vx * 3);
dirs.set(v, vx * 3);
loc.set(c0, vx * 3);
uvs.set([u, 0], vx * 2); // +uv.v = +y ?
normals.set([n[0], 0, n[2]], vx * 3);
// upper
const jx = vx + stride;
pos.set([vbuff[0], vbuff[1] + h, vbuff[2]], jx * 3);
dirs.set(v, jx * 3);
loc.set([c0[0], c0[1] + h, c0[2]], jx * 3);
uvs.set([u, 1], jx * 2);
normals.set([n[0], 0, n[2]], jx * 3);
// generate all 12 vertices of cap faces
function setCapverts(v, c0, h, vx) {
vec3.addArr(v, c0, vbuff)
var u = (v[0] / ctx.r + 1) * 0.5;
var w = (-v[2] / ctx.r + 1) * 0.5;
// lower
pos.set(vbuff, vx * 3);
dirs.set(v, vx * 3);
loc.set(c0, vx * 3);
uvs.set([u, 1-w], vx * 2);
normals.set([0, -1, 0], vx * 3);
// upper
const jx = vx + stride; // stride from lower vertex to the upper
pos.set([vbuff[0], vbuff[1] + h, vbuff[2]], jx * 3);
dirs.set(v, jx * 3);
loc.set([c0[0], c0[1] + h, c0[2]], jx * 3);
uvs.set([u, w], jx * 2);
normals.set([0, 1, 0], jx * 3);
// create 2 faces of tile0[a, b, c], at c0
function capFace(a, b, c, f0) {
// down side
index.push(a + f0, c + f0, b + f0); // downward
// up
index.push(a + f0 + stride, b + f0 + stride, c + f0 + stride);
* cell.radius: default 1
* @param {number} r circumcircle's radius
* @return {object} {vert, norm, r, r05, sqrt32}, where<br>
* .vert: an array of hexagon vertices<br>
* norm: 6 direction's normal<br>
* r: the radius<br>
* r05: half r<br>
* sqrt32:√3/2 * r
* @member xgeom.hexatile
* @function
static hexatile(r) {
// √3/2
const u32 = Math.sqrt(3) * 0.5;
// √3/2 r, 0.5 r
r = r || 1;
const r32 = r * u32;
const r05 = r * 0.5;
// return {vert: [[ 0, 0, -r ], [r32, 0, -r05], [r32, 0, r05], [ 0, 0, r ], [-r32, 0, r05], [-r32, 0, -r05]],
// norm: [[.5, 0, -u32], [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ .5, 0, u32], [-.5, 0, u32], [ -1, 0, 0 ], [ -.5, 0, -u32]]};
return {r, sqrt32: r32, r05,
vert: [[ 0, 0, r ], [r32, 0, r05], [r32, 0, -r05], [ 0, 0, -r ], [-r32, 0, -r05], [-r32, 0, r05]],
norm: [[.5, 0, u32], [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ .5, 0, -u32], [-.5, 0, -u32], [ -1, 0, 0 ], [ -.5, 0, u32]]};
/**<p id='texPrism3857'>Generate a prism by extruding polygon.</p>
* This method is also handling virtual boxes if the features is generated
* correctly before the polygon been handled.
* @param {object} cell array of geojson features.
* @param {array} geoCenter [x, y] in 3857
* @param {object} ctx context of stream data processing<pre>
pos: Float32Array(verts * 3);
loc: Float32Array(verts * 3);
atiles: Float32Array(verts * 2), tiles attribute, number of x,z tiles
uvs: Float32Array(verts * 2);
normals: Float32Array(verts * 3);
box: Float32Array(verts * 3); attribute a_box,
index: [] js 1D array of face vertices index;
vx: number - the first vertex index of a feature. The function update
ctx.vx = ctx.vx + verts before return</pre>
* @return {object} ctx, part of vertices {pos, uvs, normals, dirs, index}, saved in ctx
* @member xgeom.texPrism3857
* @function
static texPrism3857(cell, geoCentre, ctx) {
var vbuff0 = [0, 0, 0];
var vbuff1 = [0, 0, 0];
var vbuff2 = [0, 0, 0];
var nbuff = [0, 0, 0];
const h = cell.height >= 0 ? cell.height : 1;
const s = cell.geoScale || 1;
// 3857 cell.prismCentre => xworld
const prismCentre = [0, 0, 0];
geom.xof3857(cell.prismCentre, s, geoCentre, prismCentre);
const xzwh = cell.xzwh; // bounding
const boxSize = cell.boxSize
|| [cell.xzwh.w, cell.xzwh.h]; // floor / roof visual
const tiles = cell.tile;
// translate center and scale
var c0 = [ geoCentre[0], 0, geoCentre[1] ];
vec3.mulArr(c0, [s, 1, -s], c0); // -s: 3857 -> x-world
var poly = cell.points.length; // e.g. 4 side of a rectangle
var verts = poly * 2 * 2 + poly; // 4 lateral faces with 4 * 2 * 2 vertices, plus upward faces
var {pos, loc, atiles, uvs, normals, box, index} = ctx;
var xzPolygon = [];
for (var ix = 1; ix <= poly; ix++) {
var cellx = ix % poly;
var cell0 = (ix - 1) % poly;
// project 3857 & re-center
var v1 = cell.points[cellx];
vbuff1 = vec3.mulArr([v1[0], 0, v1[1]], [s, 1, -s], vbuff1);
v1 = vec3.subArr(vbuff1, c0, vbuff1);
var v0 = cell.points[cell0];
vbuff0 = vec3.mulArr([v0[0], 0, v0[1]], [s, 1, -s], vbuff0);
v0 = vec3.subArr(vbuff0, c0, vbuff0);
// norm in x-world
vec3.subArr(v1, v0, nbuff);
var n = vec3.crossArr(nbuff, [0, 1, 0], nbuff);
xzPolygon.push( {v: [...v1], n: [...n]} );
setLateralFace(v0, v1, n, h, ctx.vx, ix - 1);
// end caps
var earbuff = [];
var fx0 = ctx.vx + poly * 4; // starting cap vertex' index
for (var ix = 0; ix < poly; ix++) {
var {v, n} = xzPolygon[ix];
earbuff.push(v[0], -v[2]);
setCapverts(v, h, xzwh, fx0 + ix);
// earcut
var triangles = earcut(earbuff);
for (var vx of triangles)
index.push(vx + fx0);
tex = TexFlag.BLANK;
tileSize = [1, 1];
if (poly > 12) // too complex, use tessellation
tex = TexFlag.TESSELLATE;
var {tex, tileSize} = snapPloygonDir(cell.points);
ctx.vx += verts;
ctx.a_tex = tex;
ctx.a_size = tileSize;
return ctx;
// set a prism's up-down verts
function setLateralFace(v0, v1, n, h, vx0, side) {
// a d (upper follows)
// | | ...
// b c (lower first)
// as lower first, verts arry is: [ b c a d ... ]
// ^i + feature-x + side * 4
var u0 = side / poly;
var u1 = (side + 1) / poly;
var vx = vx0 + side * 4;
// lower
var b = vx;
pos.set(v0, vx * 3);
box.set(boxSize, vx * 3);
atiles.set(tiles, vx * 3);
loc.set(prismCentre, vx * 3);
uvs.set([u0, 0], vx * 2);
normals.set([n[0], 0, n[2]], vx * 3);
var c = vx;
pos.set(v1, vx * 3);
box.set(boxSize, vx * 3);
atiles.set(tiles, vx * 3);
loc.set(prismCentre, vx * 3);
uvs.set([u1, 0], vx * 2);
normals.set([n[0], 0, n[2]], vx * 3);
// upper
var a = vx;
pos.set([v0[0], v0[1] + h, v0[2]], vx * 3);
box.set(boxSize, vx * 3);
atiles.set(tiles, vx * 3);
loc.set(prismCentre, vx * 3);
uvs.set([u0, 1], vx * 2);
normals.set([n[0], 0, n[2]], vx * 3);
var d = vx;
pos.set([v1[0], v1[1] + h, v1[2]], vx * 3);
box.set(boxSize, vx * 3);
atiles.set(tiles, vx * 3);
loc.set(prismCentre, vx * 3);
uvs.set([u1, 1], vx * 2);
normals.set([n[0], 0, n[2]], vx * 3);
index.push(b, c, d);
index.push(b, d, a);
function setCapverts(v0, h, geoxzwh, jx) {
var u = (v0[0] - geoxzwh.x) / geoxzwh.w;
var v = (v0[2] - geoxzwh.z) / geoxzwh.h;
// roof face
vec3.addArr(v0, [0, h, 0], v0);
pos.set(v0, jx * 3);
box.set(boxSize, jx * 3);
atiles.set(tiles, jx * 3);
loc.set(prismCentre, jx * 3);
uvs.set([u, v], jx * 2);
normals.set([0, 1, 0], jx * 3);
// find an acceptable texture by snap polygon direction
function snapPloygonDir(geometry) {
return {tex: TexFlag.BLANK, tileSize: [12, 12]};
/**Get bounding box of a polygon
* @param {array} polygon, geojson feature's geometry.coordinates, in EPSG 3857
* @return {object} {xzwh, loc}, where x,z:lower left xy, w,h:width height, loc: center
* @member xgeom.xzBox
* @function
static xzBox(polygon) {
if (!polygon || !polygon.length || polygon.length <= 0)
return {xzwh: {x: 0, z: 0, w: 10, h: 10}, c0: [0, 0]};
var mxx = -Infinity, mnx = Infinity, mxz = -Infinity, mnz = Infinity;
for (var p of polygon) {
if (mxx < p[0]) mxx = p[0];
if (mnx > p[0]) mnx = p[0];
if (mxz < p[1]) mxz = p[1];
if (mnz > p[1]) mnz = p[1];
return {xzwh: {x: mnx, z: mnz, w: mxx - mnx, h: mxz - mnz},
loc: [(mxx + mnx) / 2, (mxz + mnz) / 2] };
/**Get xworld postion of 3857 position.
* @param {array} xy [x, y] in EPSG 3857
* @param {number} geoScale scale
* @param {array} geoC0 c0(x, y)
* @param {array} buf [x * geoScale, 0, -y * geoScale] x-world position
* @return {array} buf
* @member xgeom.xof3857
* @function
static xof3857(xy, geoScale, geoC0, buf) {
var x = xy[0], y = xy[1];
buf[0] = (x - geoC0[0]) * geoScale;
buf[1] = 0;
buf[2] = (y - geoC0[1]) * -geoScale;
return buf;
// Reference
// function ProfiledContourGeometry(profileShape, contour, contourClosed) {
// Example code ignored
// }