Source: lib/xutils/assetkeepr.js

import * as THREE from 'three';
import * as oboe from 'oboe';

// For why using source instead of npm package, see packages/three/
import { GLTFLoader } from '../../packages/three/GLTFLoader'
import { SVGLoader } from '../../packages/three/SVGLoader'
import html2canvas from '../../packages/misc/html2canvas.js'
import { XError, ramTexture } from './xcommon'

import { x } from '../xapp/xworld'
import { vec3, mat4 } from '../xmath/vec'
import xgeom from '../xmath/geom'

/**Static assets buffer for global resource management
 * @memberof AssetKeepr
const assets = {
	/**@property {Object} loaders - gltf / svg loaders
	 * @member assets#loaders
	 * @memberof AssetKeepr
	loaders: {},
	/**@property {Object} canvas - {domId: Canvas} map of Canvas components.
	 * @member assets#canvs
	 * @memberof AssetKeepr
	canvs: {}, // {domId: Components.Canvas} map of Canvas components.
	/**Light weight dynamic text canvase pool.
	 * @property {Object} dynatex - {domId: Dynatex} map of Dynatex components.
	 * @member assets#dynatex
	 * @memberof AssetKeepr
	dynatex: {},
	/**Svg Assets {key: url, value: [paths]}
	 * @property {object} svg - {key: url, value: object} map of Dynatex components.
	 * @member assets#svg
	 * @memberof AssetKeepr
	svg: {}

// test
const svgloader = new SVGLoader();

/**Assets Manager
 * Note it's spelled "keepr", not "keeper".
 * @class AssetKeepr
export default class AssetKeepr {
	 * @param {object} x singleton
	 * @member AssetKeepr.init
	 * @function */
	static init(x) {
		x.assetKeepr = this;
		x.assets = assets;
		assets.xref = x;

	/**@member AssetKeepr#canvs
	 * @property {THREE.Container} canvs - get container canvas */
	static get canvs() {
		return assets.canvs;

	/**@member AssetKeepr#assets
	 * @property {object} assets - get global assets map */
	static get assets() {
		return assets;

	/**@member AssetKeepr#log
	 * @property {number} log - get log level */
	static get log() {
		return assets.log;

	/**@member AssetKeepr#dynatex
	 * @property {number} dynatex - get dynamic canvas texture */
	static get dynatex() {
		return assets.dynatex;

	static get greyPixel() {

	/**Get a spark texture, in 'data:image/png;base64'.
	 * @return {THREE.Texture}
	 * @member AssetKeepr.defaultex
	 * @function */
	static defaultex() {
		if(!assets.sparktex) {
			assets.sparktex = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(
				// 16x16 version of spark1.png
				'	'
		return assets.sparktex;

	static cheapixelTex() {
		return AssetKeepr.loadTexure('data:application/x-visual+img,gray-pixel');

 	// FIXME fix all asynchronous callback binding
 	// FIXME fix all asynchronous callback binding
 	// FIXME fix all asynchronous callback binding
	static loadTexure(url, onload) {
		// Debug Notes:
		// npm parse-data-url can't handling svg tags:
		// var data = parseDataUrl(url);
		var tex;
		if (!url)
			return tex;
		else if (Array.isArray(url)) {
			tex = [];
			for (var ul of url) {
				tex.push(AssetKeepr.loadTexure(ul, onload));
		else if (url.startsWith('data:application/x-visual+img')) {
			if (url.substr(30, 10) === 'gray-pixel' ||
				url.substr(30, 10) === 'grey-pixel')
				tex = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(AssetKeepr.greyPixel, onload);
			else if (url.substr(30, 4) === 'stub')
				// no onload callback to stop replacing any ready texture
				tex = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(AssetKeepr.greyPixel);
			else if (url.substr(30, 11) === 'color-pixel') {
				var color = eval(url.substr(42));
				if(Array.isArray(color)) {
					var data = new Uint8Array(4);
					data[0] = color[0] * 255;
					data[1] = color[1] * 255;
					data[2] = color[2] * 255;
					data[3] = color.length > 3 ? color[3] * 255 : 255;
					tex = new THREE.DataTexture(data, 1, 1, THREE.RGBAFormat);

					if(typeof onload === 'function')
			else throw new XError('TODO Unknow data url: ', url);
		else if (url.startsWith('data:')) {
			tex = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(url, onload);
		else {
			var tex = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('assets/' + url, onload);

		// if(typeof onload === 'function')
		// 	onload(tex);

		// should work in asynchronous
		return tex;

	/**Load path of 3857 - not geojson, but json data are supposed the same format,
	 * except coordinates' values.
	 * @param {url} url
	 * @param {object} options
	 * @param {function} onLoad callback on assets loaded.
	 * @param {function} [onError] callback on oboe failed.
	 * @return {array} a 3d array of a fake path: [[[0, 0], [1, 0]]]
	 * @member AssetKeepr.geojsonPaths
	 * @function */
	static geojsonPaths(url, options, onLoad,
		onError = (args) => {
		}) {
		var op = Object.assign(new Object(), {
			start: 0,
			end: -1,
			count: -1,
			paths: new Array()
		op = Object.assign(op, options);

			.node('features.*', (feature) => {
				if(op.start >= op.count && (op.end < 0 || op.end > op.count)) {
					var elem = feature.geometry.coordinates;
				if(op.end >= 0 && op.end >= op.count)
			.done((args) => {
				// console.log(args);
				onLoad(op.paths, op.count)

		return [ [ [0, 0], [1, 0] ] ]; // stub for creating mesh / path line

	/**Load hexatile from points in 3857 - not geojson, but json data are supposed
	 * the as same format of geojson, except coordinates' values.
	 * @param {url} url
	 * @param {object} options
	 * @param {function} onload callback on assets loaded.
	 * arguments:
	 * BufferGeometry, each vertices has 'position', 'a_h', 'a_tan', 'uv' & 'normal' attributes
	 * @param {function} [onError] callback on oboe failed.
	 * @return {array} a 3d array of a fake cell vertices
	 * @member AssetKeepr.geoHexaprismAsync
	 * @function */
	static geoHexaprismAsync(url, options, onload,
		onError = (args) => {
		}) {

		var heightName = options.heightName || 'height';
		var verts = options.count * (14 + 12);
		var ctx = new Object();
		ctx.features = 0;
		ctx.vx = 0; // starting vert index for each feature. (26 vert / feature)
		ctx.r = options.radius >= 0 ? options.radius : 1;
		ctx.pos = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
		ctx.loc = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
		ctx.uvs = new Float32Array(verts * 2);
		ctx.normals = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
		ctx.dirs = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
		ctx.index = [];

		const tile0 = xgeom.hexatile(ctx.r);
		const hs = options.height;

		var hex = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(100, 100, 0);
			.node('features.*', (feature) => {
				if(ctx.features >= options.count)

				var h =[heightName] || feature.geometry[heightName] || 1;
				var coord = feature.geometry.coordinates;
				var tuple = xgeom.hexaprism3857({
					height: h * hs,
					geoScale: options.geoScale || 1,
					group: options.onGroup ? options.onGroup(fx, f) : 1
				}, options.geoCentre, tile0, ctx);

				// if(ctx.features >= options.count)
					// this.abort();
			.done((args) => {
				var geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
				geom.setAttribute("position", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.pos, 3));
				geom.setAttribute("a_tan", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.dirs, 3));
				geom.setAttribute("a_loc", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.loc, 3));
				geom.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.normals, 3));
				geom.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.uvs, 2));
				onload(geom, ctx.pos, ctx.vx);

		return { geom: hex };

	/**Load hexatile from points in 3857 - not geojson, but json data are supposed
	 * the as same format of geojson, except coordinates' values.
	 * @param {array.<GeoFeature>} featrues
	 * @param {object} options
	 * @return {array} a 3d array of a fake cell vertices
	 * @member AssetKeepr.geoHexaprism
	 * @function */
	static geoHexaprism(features, options) {
		if(!features) return;

		var heightName = options.heightName || 'height';
		var verts = (features.length || 0) * (14 + 12);
		var ctx = new Object();
		ctx.vx = 0; // starting vert index for each feature. (26 vert / feature)
		ctx.r = options.radius >= 0 ? options.radius : 1;
		ctx.pos = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
		ctx.loc = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
		ctx.uvs = new Float32Array(verts * 2);
		ctx.normals = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
		ctx.dirs = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
		ctx.index = [];

		const tile0 = xgeom.hexatile(ctx.r);
		const hs = options.height;

		var fx = 0;
		for(var f of features) {
			var h =[heightName] || f.geometry[heightName] || 1;
			var coord = f.geometry.coordinates;
				height: h * hs,
				geoScale: options.geoScale || 1,
				group: options.onGroup ? options.onGroup(fx, f) : 1
			}, options.geoCentre, tile0, ctx);

		var geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
		geom.setAttribute("position", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.pos, 3));
		geom.setAttribute("a_tan", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.dirs, 3));
		geom.setAttribute("a_loc", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.loc, 3));
		geom.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.normals, 3));
		geom.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.uvs, 2));
		return {
			points: ctx.pos

	/**Load hexatile from points in 3857 - not geojson, but json data are supposed
	 * the as same format of geojson, except coordinates' values.
	 * This should only used for real buildings with textures. For vitual buildings,
	 * use @{@link AssetKeepr.geoPrismBoxes}
	 * @param {array.<GeoFeature>} featrues
	 * @param {object} options
	 * @return {array} a 3d array of a fake cell vertices
	 * @member AssetKeepr.geoTexturePrism
	 * @function */
	static geoTexturePrism(features, options) {
		if(!features) return;

		var verts = options.maxVerts || 2048; // it's user's responsibility to find how many vertices is
		var ctx = new Object();
			ctx.features = 0;
			ctx.vx = 0; // starting vert index for each feature.
			ctx.pos = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
			ctx.loc = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
			ctx.atiles = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
			ctx.uvs = new Float32Array(verts * 2);
			ctx.normals = new Float32Array(verts * 3); = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
			ctx.index = [];

		var fx = 0;
		for(var f of features) {
			// if (options.filter &&
			// 	&& !== options.filter)
			if ( options.filter && (
				|| !== options.filter ))
			AssetKeepr.feature2Prism(ctx, f, options);

		var geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
			geom.setAttribute("position", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.pos, 3));
			geom.setAttribute("a_box", new THREE.BufferAttribute(, 3));// box.y = groupidx
			geom.setAttribute("a_tiles", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.atiles, 3));
			geom.setAttribute("a_loc", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.loc, 3));
			geom.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.normals, 3));
			geom.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.uvs, 2));
		return {
			points: ctx.pos

	static feature2Prism(ctx, f, options) {
		const heightName = options.heightName || 'height';
		const hs = options.height;

		if (!f.geometry || !Array.isArray(f.geometry.coordinates)) {
			console.error('Incorrect data found to generate geoprism: ', f);

		var h = ?[heightName] || f.geometry[heightName] || 1
				: 1;

		for (var points of f.geometry.coordinates) {
			// var points = f.geometry.coordinates;
			// var {xzwh, loc} = xgeom.xzBox(f.geometry.coordinates);
			var {xzwh, loc} = xgeom.xzBox(points);

			if (Array.isArray(
				loc =;

			var boxSize = || [xzwh.w, hs * h, xzwh.h];

			var tile = options.tiles ||
						[4, options.tile ? options.tile.layers || 1 : 1, 3];

			xgeom.texPrism3857( {
				boxSize, xzwh, tile,
				height: h * hs,
				prismCentre: loc,
				geoScale: options.geoScale || 1,
				group: options.onGroup ? options.onGroup(ctx.features, f) : 1
			}, options.geoCentre, ctx );


	// prism with boxes
	static geoPrismAsync(url, options, onload,
		onError = (args) => {
		}) {

		var verts = options.verts || 4096 * (6*4 + 6); // 4k hexagon (FIXME)
		// context
		var ctx = new Object();
			ctx.features = 0;
			ctx.vx = 0; // starting vert index for each feature.
			ctx.pos = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
			ctx.loc = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
			ctx.atiles = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
			ctx.uvs = new Float32Array(verts * 2);
			ctx.normals = new Float32Array(verts * 3); = new Float32Array(verts * 3);
			ctx.index = [];

		.node('features.*', (f) => {
			// FIXME is it safe using "options" like this?
			if(ctx.features > options.count)
				return; // FIXME why can't like this: this.abort();

			if ( options.filter && (
				|| !== options.filter ))

			AssetKeepr.feature2Prism(ctx, f, options);

			if (typeof options.onFeature === 'function')
				options.onFeature( ctx, f, options );
		.done((args) => {
			var geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
			geom.setAttribute("position", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.pos, 3));
			geom.setAttribute("a_box", new THREE.BufferAttribute(, 3));// box.y = groupidx
			geom.setAttribute("a_tiles", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.atiles, 3));
			geom.setAttribute("a_loc", new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.loc, 3));
			geom.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.normals, 3));
			geom.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(ctx.uvs, 2));
			onload(geom, ctx.pos, ctx.vx, options);

		return { geom: new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(100, 10, 0) };

	/**load gltf model<br>
	 * If obj3 is provided, then after loaded, set the scene transform according
	 * to obj3.transfrom, set obj3.mesh = gltf.scene.<br>
	 * For details, see reference: GLTF format from x-visual docs.<br>
	 * Also see <a href=''>
	 * Three.js example - GLTFLoader</a>
	 * and <a href=''>
	 * Three.js tuturial of gltf loader</a>
	 * @param {THREE.Scene} [scene] if provided, add the loaded gltf.scene to it.
	 * @param {Obj3} [obj3] [in out] after loaded, set the scene transform according
	 * to obj3.transfrom, set obj3.mesh = gltf.scene
	 * @param {stirng} url A string containing the path/URL of the .gltf or .glb file.
	 * @param {function} onload callback on assets loaded.<br>
	 * If not provided, load entire gltf scene as child of main scene (the argument)<br>
	 * @member AssetKeepr.loadGltf
	 * @function */
	static loadGltf(scene, obj3, url, onload) {
		if(assets.loaders[url] === undefined)
			assets.loaders[url] = new GLTFLoader();
		assets.loaders[url].load(url, function(gltf, nodeMap) {
				if(typeof onload === 'function')
					onload(gltf, nodeMap);

				else {
					// default onload handling, load entire gltf scene as child of main scene (the argument)
					if(obj3) {
						var m4 = new mat4();
						if(obj3.transform) {
							for(var trs of obj3.transform)

						gltf.scene.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
						obj3.mesh = gltf.scene;

						//fix  refrence AffineCombiner3 initCombined  	e.Obj3.m0.decompose(e.Obj3.mesh.matrix);
						//set mesh matrix origin value


					if(scene) {
					} else console.warn(
						'AssetKeepr.loadGltf(): Loaded gltf assets without THREE.Scene instance: ',
			function(xhr) {
				if(x.log >= 5) console.log(`[5] ${xhr.loaded / * 100}% loaded`);
			// called when loading has errors
			function(error) {
				console.error('AssetKeepr.loadGltf(): ', error);

	 * @param {Obj3} obj3
	 * @param {string} url
	 * @param {array<string>} nnames
	 * @param {function} onParsed
	 * @member AssetKeepr.loadGltfNodes
	 * @function */
	static loadGltfNodes(obj3, url, nnames, onParsed) {
		if(!nnames) onParsed(undefined);
		else {
			AssetKeepr.loadGltf(undefined, obj3, url, function(gltf, nodeMap) {
				var nods = [];
				for(var nname of nnames) {
					var nix;
					if(typeof nname === 'number')
						nix = nname;
					// Debug Notes;
					// 2020.05.18 node's names have been sanitized
					// see debug notes in docs/reference/gltf.html#the-x-visual-loader
					// also see packages/three/GLTFLoader.loadNode.then():
					// ... = PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName( );
					else nix = nodeMap[THREE.PropertyBinding.sanitizeNodeName(nname)];
					if(nix >= 0)

	 * Initialize a Canvas component with a THREE.CanvasTexture from canvas, which
	 * is not initialized when return.
	 * The component will be updated when it's ready
	 * 1. This function maintance dirty with tick flag. Referenced canvase won't
	 * been updated if the component's stamp less than the asset's stamp
	 * 2. Texture canvas are sharable.
	 * *Reference*
	 * threejs example:<br>
	 * example source:<br>
	 * threejs doc CanvasTexture:
	 * @param {Canvas} cmpCanv Canvas component
	 * @param {number} stamp optional, if stamp is less than x.lastUpdate, ignore
	 * the request; if undefined, always update. So set this carefully for performance
	 * optimization - updating canvas is a heavy work load.
	 * @param {function} onUpdate optional, callback when html canvas texture updated.
	 * parameter: canvas {HTML.Canvas}, texture {THREE.CanvasTexture}
	 * @return {Canvas} the Canvas component referencing object:<br>
	 * where<br>
	 * **tex**: THREE.CanvasTexture when html canvas is initialized. But before this is undefined.<br>
	 * **canvas**: HTML canvas when html canvas is initialized. But before this is undefined.<br>
	 * **ctx2d**: HTML canvas 2d context when html canvas is initialized.<br>
	 * But before this its is undefined - can not been used for sampling before onUpdate called.
	 * @member AssetKeepr.loadCanvtex
	 * @function
	static loadCanvtex(cmpCanv, stamp, onUpdate) {
		const x = assets.xref;
		if(stamp === undefined)
			stamp = x.lastUpdate;
		// if stamp handled, no more update
		if(stamp < x.lastUpdate)
			return cmpCanv;

		var h5 = assets.canvs[cmpCanv.domId];
		if(!h5) {
			h5 = {
				domId: cmpCanv.domId,
				stamp: assets.xref.lastUpdate
			assets.canvs[cmpCanv.domId] = h5;
		if(h5.stamp <= x.lastUpdate) {
			if(typeof document !== 'object')
			; // testing ?
			else {
				var dom = document.getElementById(cmpCanv.domId);
				var opts = Object.assign({
						width: 256,
						height: 256

				html2canvas(dom, opts).then(function(canvas) {
					var drawingContext = canvas.getContext('2d');

					cmpCanv.canvas = drawingContext.canvas;
					cmpCanv.tex = new THREE.CanvasTexture(drawingContext.canvas);
					cmpCanv.ctx2d = drawingContext;
					// set dirty flag now to avoid updating by renderer before this texture is ready
					cmpCanv.dirty = true;
					// Memo:
					// reference entity.Obje in wrong way, but this method is to be deprecated
					cmpCanv.entity.Obj3.mesh.visible = true;

					if(typeof onUpdate === 'function')
						onUpdate(canvas, cmpCanv.tex);
		return cmpCanv;

	static loadCanvtex2(cmpCanv, options = {}, obj3, onUpdate) {
		var width = options && options.width ? options.width : 256;
		var height = options && options.heigth ? options.heigth : 256;
		var opts = Object.assign({
			allowTaint: true,
			useCORS: true,
			backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
			removeContainer: true,
			x: 0,
			// y: options.y === undefined ? 0 : options.y
			y: 0,
			// y: 30.5
		}, options);
		var dom = document.getElementById(cmpCanv.domId);

		html2canvas(dom, opts).then(function(canvas) {
			var drawingContext = canvas.getContext('2d');

			cmpCanv.canvas = drawingContext.canvas;
			cmpCanv.tex = new THREE.CanvasTexture(drawingContext.canvas);
			// cmpCanv.tex = new ramTexture(7, 11, {alpha: 1});
			cmpCanv.ctx2d = drawingContext;
			cmpCanv.dirty = true;

			if(typeof onUpdate === 'function')
				onUpdate(canvas, cmpCanv.tex);
		return cmpCanv;

	static loadSvgPath(url, nodes, onload) {
		if(assets.loaders[url] && assets.svg[url].paths) {
			return getPaths(assets.svg[url].paths, nodes, onload);

		function getPaths(mapath, nodes, onload) {
			var paths = [];
			for(var n of nodes) {

		AssetKeepr.loadSVG(url, {}, (group, paths) => {
				assets.svg[url] = {
					paths: {}
			for(var p of paths) {
				assets.svg[url].paths[p.pathId] = p;
			return getPaths(assets.svg[url].paths, nodes, onload);

	 * Load svg - don't use this to load pathes
	 * @param {string} url string
	 * @param {object} opts
	 * opts.withMesh: bool - convert fill to mesh ( z = 0 )<br>
	 * opts.withStroke: bool - convert stroke to polygon ( z = 0 )<br>
	 * {drawFillShapes: bool, wireframe: THREE.material.wireframe, stroke: bool}
	 * @param {function} onload function(group: THREE.Group)
	 * @member AssetKeepr.loadSVG
	 * @function
	static loadSVG(url, opts, onload) {
		if(assets.loaders[url] === undefined)
			assets.loaders[url] = new SVGLoader();

		var loader = assets.loaders[url];
		loader.load(url, function(data) {
			var paths = data.paths;
			var group = new THREE.Group();

			if(opts.withMesh || opts.withStroke) {
				for(var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
					var path = paths[i];
					if(opts.withMesh) {
						var fillColor =;
						if(opts.drawFillShapes && fillColor !== undefined && fillColor !== 'none') {
							var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
								color: new THREE.Color().setStyle(fillColor),
								transparent: < 1,
								side: THREE.DoubleSide,
								depthWrite: false,
								wireframe: opts.wireframe

							var shapes = path.toShapes(true);

							for(var j = 0; j < shapes.length; j++) {
								var shape = shapes[j];
								var geometry = new THREE.ShapeBufferGeometry(shape);
								var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

					if(opts.withStroke) {
						var strokeColor =;

						if(opts.stroke && strokeColor !== undefined && strokeColor !== 'none') {
							var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
								color: new THREE.Color().setStyle(strokeColor),
								transparent: < 1,
								side: THREE.DoubleSide,
								depthWrite: false,
								wireframe: opts.wireframe

							for(var j = 0, jl = path.subPaths.length; j < jl; j++) {
								var subPath = path.subPaths[j];
								var geometry = SVGLoader.pointsToStroke(subPath.getPoints(),;
								if(geometry) {
									var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

			onload(group, paths);

	static parseSVG(strSVG) {
		return svgloader.parse(strSVG);

	 * <p>draw text - synchrodous</p>
	 * v0.3.21 change log: try scaling plane to adapt more or less words than
	 * paras defined canvas can hold, via only scaling texture;
	 * Test: test/html/dynatex.html
	 *see <a href=''>docs/Dynamic Text</a>
	 * Reference:
	 * //
	 * //
	 * @param {Dynatex} cmp - options
	 * @param {string} cmp.text - the text to display
	 * @param {object} cmp.xywh see <a href=''>docs/Dynamic Text</a>
	 * @param {string} [fillStyle] - the fillStyle to clear with, if not provided, fallback on .clearRect
	 * @param {string} [contextFont] - the font to use
	 * @return {THREE.CanvasTextrue}
	 * @member AssetKeepr.drawText
	 * @function
	static drawText(cmp) {
		var {text, xywh, style, font} = cmp;
		if(!assets.dynatex[text]) {
			var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
			var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

			// fnt must set before measure text width
			var fnt;
			if(font !== undefined)
				// fnt = `${xywh.size}px bold sans-serif`;
				fnt = `${xywh.size}px ${font}`;
			else if(xywh.size)
				fnt = `${xywh.size}px Arial`;
			else fnt = "32px Arial";
			ctx.font = fnt;

			var margin = xywh.margin || 0;
			const doubleBorderSize = margin * 2;
			const width = ctx.measureText(text).width + doubleBorderSize;
			var height = (xywh.h || xywh.size) + doubleBorderSize;
			var hscale = 1;
			// scale plane? this is scale texture
			if (xywh.w > 0 && width > 0 && width > xywh.w) {
				hscale *= width/xywh.w;
				canvas.width = xywh.w*hscale;
				canvas.height = (xywh.h || xywh.size)*hscale;
			else {
				canvas.width = xywh.w;
				canvas.height = xywh.h || xywh.size;
			// debug notes: it's critical to set font after setting size
			ctx.font = fnt;
			ctx.textBaseline = 'top';

			// actually draw the text
			if(cmp['bg-color']) {
				ctx.fillStyle = cmp['bg-color'];
				ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height );
			else {
				ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
			ctx.fillStyle = style;
			ctx.fillText(text, (xywh.x || 0) + margin, (xywh.y || 0) + margin);

			var texture = new THREE.CanvasTexture(canvas);
			texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
			texture.wrapS = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
			texture.wrapT = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;

			assets.dynatex[text] = {
				context: ctx,
				texture: texture
		return assets.dynatex[text].texture;

/**Splashing screean helper.
 * <br>See <a href=''>AnthonyWJones' Answer @ stackoverflow</a>
 * @example
 * splash("mySplashDiv", longRunner)
 * function longRunner() {
 *    //This may take a while
 * }
 * @param {string} splashImgId
 * @param {function} xworker the long rounner
 * @param {string} src image
 * @memberof xutils
 * @function
export function splash(splashImgId, xworker, src) {
	var splashImg = document.getElementById(splashImgId) = "block";
		splashImg.src = src;
		splashImg.src = 'assets/splash.gif';
	setTimeout(function() {
		xworker() = "none";
	}, 100);