Source: lib/xutils/shaders/glx.glsl.js

import {shadow} from './chunks/shadow.chunk'

/**Glsl sub common configuration.
 * @enum {string} */
export const glConfig = {
  // diffuseWeight: 0.5,
  /** Ambient reflection coefficient, default '0.3' */
  ka: '(0.3)',
  /** Diffuse reflection coefficient, default '1.0' */
  kd: '(1.0)',
  /** Specular reflection coefficient, default '0.8' */
  ks: '(0.8)',

  /**Weight amplifier for line resterization */
  lineWeight: '(0.01)',

  /** * @deprecated
   * default is parallel light, to change to point light, set as:
   *  normalize(lightpos -
  dirLight: 'normalize(lightpos)', //

  shadowLDR: (sname) => {
	return typeof sname === 'string' ? `( 1. - 0.5 * ${sname} )` : '(1.)';

/**Glsl sub functions
 * @enum {string} glx */
const glx = {
  /**<p>uniform float u_alpha</p>
   * Used for keep the name consists.
  u_alpha: 'uniform float u_alpha;',
  /**<p>uniform float whiteAlpha</p>
   * Used for keep the name consists.
  u_whiteAlpha: 'uniform float whiteAlpha;',

  /**Is the bit is true?<br/>
   * At least better than this:<br/>
   * a = ...5, bit = 2 (start at 0), a_rem = a % 2^3 = 5, div = 5 / 4 >= 1
   * Reference: <a href=''>
   * WebGL 1.0 API Quick Reference Card</a>
  bitTrue: `
    bool bitTrue(int a, int bit) {
      float a_rem = mod(float(a), exp2(float(bit+1)));
      return a_rem / exp2(float(bit)) >= 1.;

  /**Get repeating uv for texture sampling.
   * TODO doc: debug notes: uv must be continuous<br>
  fractuv: `vec2 fractuv(vec2 uv) {
    vec2 fuv = mod(uv, 2.);
    if (fuv.s <= 1.)
      fuv.s = fuv.s;
      fuv.s = 2. - fuv.s;
    if (fuv.t <= 1.)
      fuv.t = fuv.t;
      fuv.t = 2. - fuv.t;
    return fuv;

  /**Change intensity to mix argument t = :
   * 1 - 1/(2 * intense), when x > 1
   * 1/2 * x, when 0 <= x <= 1
   * 0, when x < 0*/
  intenseAlpha: `float intenseAlpha(float intensity) {
      if (intensity > 1.) return 1. - 0.5 / intensity;
      else if (intensity >= 0.) return 0.5 * intensity;
      else return 0.;

  /**<p>Get alpha according to eye and normal angle, can be applied to texture.</p>
   * function: float fresnelAlpha(vec3 e, vec3 P, vec3 np)<br>
   * param:<br>
   * e: eye
   * P: position
   * np: normal
   * return:<br>
   * alpha value like of <a href=''>
   * fresnel effect</a>.
  fresnelAlpha: `float fresnelAlpha(vec3 e, vec3 P, vec3 np) {
    vec3 i = normalize(e - P);
    float a = dot( i, normalize(np) );
    return a > 0. ? 1. - a : 0.;
  } `,

  /**Find distance to ellipsoid */
  sdEllipsoid: `vec2 sdEllipsoid( vec3 eye, vec3 u, float r, vec3 centr, vec3 abc ) {
    // e = o - c, where o = eye, c = center
    vec3 e = eye - centr;
    e = e / abc;

    // delta = (u . e)^2 + r^2 - |e|^2
    u = normalize(u / abc);

    float delta = pow( dot( u, e ), 2. ) + pow( r, 2. ) - dot(e, e);
    if (delta < 0.) return vec2(delta);
    // d = - u.e +/- delta^0.5
    delta = pow( delta, 0.5 );
    return vec2( -dot( u, e ) + delta, -dot( u, e ) - delta );

  /** Mix 3 colors of interposition t */
  thermalColor: `vec4 thermalColor(vec3 colrs[3], vec2 t0_1, float t) {
    float midrange = abs(t0_1.y - t0_1.x) / 2.;

    vec3 c0 = colrs[0];
    vec3 c1 = colrs[1];

    if (t > midrange) {
        c0 = colrs[1]; c1 = colrs[2];
        t = t - midrange;

    return clamp(vec4(mix(c0, c1, t / abs(t0_1.y - midrange)), 1.), 0., 1.);

  /**<h6>Fragment Function.</h6>
   * @deprecated
   * Get color on module face, reducing on distance, and is perspective on face,
   * not used for volumetric rendering.<br>
   * function: float pointFace( vec3 p, vec3 c )<br>
   * parameters:<br>
   * p: varying from vertex position, transformed to world:<pre>
    vec4 v4 =  modelMatrix * vec4(  vec3(-150., 0., -50.), 1.0 );
    P0 =;</pre>
   * c: the point in world, e.g. varying c<pre>
   * c = modelMatrix * vec4(0.);</pre>
   * return {float}: distance
  pointFace: `float pointFace( vec3 p, vec3 c ) {
    return length(p - c);
  } `,

  /**<h6>Fragment Function.</h6>
   * 2D round box distance<br>
   * parameters:<br>
   * function: float box2(vec2 p, vec2 size, float r)<br>
   * p {vec2}: varying from vertex poisition, transformed to world<br>
   * size {vec2}: box size<br>
   * r {float}: corner radius<br>
   * return {float}: distance
  box2: `float box2(vec2 p, vec2 size, float r){
    return length(max(abs(p) - size, 0.0)) - r;

  /**<h6>Fragment Function.</h6>
   * 3D round box distance<br>
   * parameters:<br>
   * function: float box2(vec2 p, vec2 size, float r)<br>
   * p {vec3}: varying from vertex poisition, transformed to world<br>
   * size {vec3}: box size<br>
   * r {float}: corner radius<br>
   * return {float}: distance
  box3: `float box3(vec3 p, vec3 size, float r){
    return length(max(abs(p) - size, 0.0)) - r;
  } `,

  /**Line Rasterize Function.
   * 𝐧 = 𝐞1 × 𝐞2 = (−20, −11, −26)
   * return {float}: distance
  line: `float line(vec3 e, vec3 P, vec3 p0, vec3 p1, float w) {
    vec3 e2 = p1 - p0;
    vec3 e1 = P - e;
    vec3 n = normalize(cross(e1, e2));
    float dist = dot(n, e - p0);
    dist = 1.0/dist * w * ${glConfig.lineWeight};
    return min(dist * dist, 1.0);

  /**Rotate in 2D for angle of radian.
   * function: vec2 rotate2(float radi, vec2 v)
   * parameters:<br>
   * radi {float} angle in radian
   * v {vec2} vectore to be rotated
   * return m * v. where
   * m =  c s
   *     -s c
  rotate2: `vec2 rotate2(float radi, vec2 v) {
    float s = sin(radi);
    float c = cos(radi);
    return vec2(
      c * v.x + s * v.y,
      -s* v.x + c * v.y );

  rotateY: `vec3 rotateY(float radi, vec3 v) {
    float s = sin(radi);
    float c = cos(radi);
    return vec3(
      c * v.x + s * v.z,
      -s* v.x + c * v.z );

   * Ray plane intersection.
   * function: vec4 rayPlaneInsec(vec3 l0, vec3 l, vec3 p0, vec3 n)
   * return vec4 (pos, distance), distance > 0 iff there is one point.
   * Reference: <a href=''>
   * wikipedia</a>
  rayPlaneInsec: `vec4 rayPlaneInsec(vec3 l0, vec3 l, vec3 p0, vec3 n) {
    float d = dot( (p0 - l0), n );
    float l_n = dot(l, n);
    if (l_n == 0.) {
      if (dot(p0 - l0, n) == 0.)
        return vec4(l0, 0.); // in plane
      else return vec4(p0, -1.); // parallel
    d /= l_n;
    vec3 p_ = l0 + normalize(l) * d;
    return vec4(p_, abs(d));

  /**Get color weight according to xy, yz, xz box distance.
   * Thes function depends on glx.rotateY, glx.rayPlaneInsec, glx.box3
   * return colore weight
  box3Color: `float box3Color(vec3 e, vec3 i, vec3 c0, vec3 n0, float radi, vec3 size, vec2 tiles, float w) {
    n0 = rotateY(-radi, n0);
    vec4 p0 = rayPlaneInsec( e, i, c0, n0 );

    if (p0.w > 0.) {
      vec3 p_ = - c0;
      vec3 p_0 = rotateY(radi, p_);

      float box = box3( p_0, size * 0.5, 0.5 );
      box = 1.0/box * w * (1. - va);

      float tes = 0.02 * (1. - va) * ( 1. - abs( sin(now * 0.0005) ) );
      return max(box, 0.05) * tes + abs(box) * 0.004;
    else return 0.;

  /**Get phong light.<br>
   * sub function lambershine():<br>
   * Lambert's cosine law<br>
   * return: vec2(lambertian, specular)<br>
   * To use in phong:<pre>
    vColor = vec4(Ka * ambientColor +
                  Kd * lambertian * diffuseColor +
                  Ks * specular * specular, u_alpha);
   * Code Comments:<br>
   * lambertian: angle between normal and incident<br>
   * R: reflect direction<br>
   * V: vector to viewer<br>
   * <h6>External Link</h6>
   * <a href='file:///home/ody/git/x-visual/docs/design-memo/shaders/phong.html'>
   * x-visual doc: Morphing Phong Material</a><br>
   * <a href=''>
   * referencing implementation @</a><br>
   * <a href=''>
   * Lambertian Emitters and Scatters</a>
  phongLight: `vec2 lambershine(vec3 n, vec3 lightpos, vec3 e, vec3 vertpos, float shininess) {
    vec3 L = normalize(lightpos - vertpos);
	vec3 N = normalize(n);
    float lambertian = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);
    vec3 R = reflect(-L, N);
    float specAngle = max(dot(R, normalize(e - vertpos)), 0.0);
    float specular = pow(specAngle, shininess);
    return vec2(lambertian, specular);
  vec4 phongLight(vec3 n3, vec3 lightpos, vec3 eye, vec3 vertpos,
      vec3 ambient, vec3 diffuse, vec3 specular, float shininess) {
    float Ka = ${glConfig.ka};
    float Kd = ${glConfig.kd};
    float Ks = ${glConfig.ks};

    vec2 lambshine = lambershine(n3, lightpos, eye, vertpos, shininess);
    return vec4(Ka * ambient
              + Kd * lambshine.s * diffuse
              + Ks * lambshine.t * specular
              , u_alpha);
  } `,

  /**<h6>Vertex Shader</h6>
   * Get building wall texture's alpha - used for transparent building like glass
   * cube, without refrection.
  buildingAlpha: `float buildingAlpha(vec3 e, vec3 P, vec3 np) {
    vec3 i = normalize(e - P);
    float a = dot( i, normalize(np) );
    return a > 0. ? 1. - a : 0.;

  shadow: {
	/** use this in vertex like:<pre>
	uniform mat4 directionalShadowMatrix[ ${n_light} ];
	setShadowCoords(directionalShadowMatrix, worldPosition);</pre>
	* Don't change name of directionalShadowMatrix, it's set by Three.js lights.
    setShadowCoords: shadow.v.setShadowCoords,
    frag: [ shadow.f.uni_varys, shadow.f.unpackRGBAToDepth,
            shadow.f.texture2DCompare, shadow.f.getShadow, shadow.f.shadow
        ].join('\n') },

 * Error thrown by shader/*.glsl.
 * @param {number} err error message
 * @param {number} [code] error code
 * @class GlxError
export function GlxError(err, code) {
    this.code = code;
    this.message = err; = 'GlxError';

/** A common functionf for initialize phong uniforms. Supposed to be changed in
 * the future - phong uniforms should not very common for different shader?
 * <p><b>Don't use this directly. This is only a shortcut of certain shaders.</b></p>
 * @param {object=} uniforms if undefined, will create one
 * @param {object} light
 * @param {paras=} paras usually Visual.paras
 * @return {object} uniforms
 * @member xglsl.initPhongUni
 * @function
export function initPhongUni(uniforms = {}, light, paras = {}) {
	uniforms.u_shininess = { value: paras.shininess ||
							 (uniforms.u_shininess ? uniforms.u_shininess.value : 1) };
	uniforms.u_specularColor = { value: paras.shineColor ?
							new THREE.Vector3(...paras.shineColor) :
							new THREE.Vector3(1., 1., 1.) };

	uniforms.u_ambientColor = { value: new THREE.Vector3( ...
							(light.ambient || [0, 0, 0]) ) };

	uniforms.u_lightPos = { value: new THREE.Vector3(...(light.position || [1, 1, 1]))};

	uniforms.u_lightIntensity = { value: light.intensity === undefined ?
										1 : light.intensity };

	uniforms.u_color = {value: new THREE.Vector4(...light.diffuse)};
	console.log('u_color', uniforms.u_color);

	return uniforms;

/** A common functionf for undating phong uniforms. Supposed to be changed in the
 * future - phong uniforms should not very common for different shader?
 * <p><b>Don't use this directly. This is only a shortcut of certain shaders.</b></p>
 * @param {object} uniforms uniforms to updated.
 * @param {object=} light
 * @param {paras=} paras usually Visual.paras
 * @return {object} uniforms
 * @member xglsl.updatePhongUni
 * @function
export function updatePhongUni(uniforms, light, paras = {}) {
	if (!uniforms)
		// nothing to bu updated

	if (typeof paras.shininess === "number") {
		uniforms.u_shininess.value = paras.shininess;
	if (Array.isArray(paras.shineColor) && paras.shineColor.length === 3) {
		uniforms.u_specularColor.value = new THREE.Vector3(...paras.shineColor);

	if (light && light.dirty) {
		if (Array.isArray(light.ambient) && light.ambient.length === 3) {
			uniforms.u_ambientColor.value = new THREE.Vector3(...light.ambient);
		if (Array.isArray(light.position) && light.position.length === 3) {
			uniforms.u_lightPos.value = new THREE.Vector3(...light.position);
		if (typeof light.intensity === "number") {
			uniforms.u_lightIntensity.value = light.intensity;
		if (Array.isArray(light.diffuse) && light.diffuse.length >= 3) {
			uniforms.u_color.value = new THREE.Vector4(...light.diffuse, 1);
			console.log('update u_color', uniforms.u_color);