import {glx} from './glx.glsl';
/**<p id='orbGroups'>Get shader of a sequnce of orb groups, each for a wpos - an
* vec3 array, with respect to vertex dir & cent attribute.</p>
* Test page: test/html/map3d/geopaths.html<br>
* ShaderFlag: worldOrbs
* @param {object} vparas paras.vert_scale [optional] number scale of vertices
* @return {object} {vertexShader, fragmentShader}
* @member xglsl.orbGroups
* @function
export function orbGroups(vparas) {
var grps = vparas.follows.length;
var orbs = vparas.offsets.length;
return { fragmentShader: `
uniform float r[${orbs}];
uniform vec3 orbColors[${orbs}];
uniform float u_t;
uniform float tmin;
uniform float tmax;
uniform float follows[${grps}];
uniform vec3 orbScale;
uniform sampler2D u_tex;
varying vec2 vUv;
varying vec3 P;
varying vec3 vtan; // ignored in v0.3
varying vec3 vscale;
varying vec3 vcent[${grps * orbs}];
vec2 sdEllipsoid( vec3 eye, vec3 u, float r, vec3 centr, vec3 abc ) {
// e = o - c, where o = eye, c = center
vec3 e = eye - centr;
e = e / abc;
// delta = (u . e)^2 + r^2 - |e|^2
u = normalize(u / abc);
float delta = pow( dot( u, e ), 2. ) + pow( r, 2. ) - dot(e, e);
if (delta < 0.) return vec2(delta);
// d = - u.e +/- delta^0.5
delta = pow( delta, 0.5 );
return vec2( -dot( u, e ) + delta, -dot( u, e ) - delta );
vec4 mainImage( in vec2 fragCoord ) {
vec4 fragColor = vec4(0.);
vec3 e = cameraPosition;
vec3 u = normalize( P - cameraPosition );
fragColor = vec4(0.);
for (int j = 0; j < ${grps}; j++) {
float flwj = follows[j] / 100.;
if (tmin <= u_t - flwj && u_t - flwj <= tmax ) {
for (int i = 0; i < ${orbs}; i++) {
vec3 ci = vcent[j*${grps} + i];
vec2 dists = sdEllipsoid( e, u, r[i], ci, vscale );
// if (dists.x <= 0.00001) {
// ${vparas.orbDebug ? 'fragColor.g += 0.2;' : ''}
// continue;
// }
vec3 p = e + dists.x * u;
vec3 n = normalize(p - ci);
float ratio = abs(length(dists.x - dists.y)) / (2. * r[i]);
ratio = clamp(ratio, 0., 1.);
fragColor += vec4(pow( ratio, 4. ) * orbColors[i], ratio);
fragColor = clamp(fragColor, 0., 1.);
float txAlpha = clamp(whiteAlpha, 0., 1.);
// fragColor.a = 1. - txAlpha;
// fragColor = mix(fragColor, texcolor, txAlpha);
vec4 texcolor = texture2D(u_tex, vUv);
texcolor.a = txAlpha;
fragColor += texcolor;
return clamp(fragColor, 0., 1.);
void main() {
gl_FragColor = mainImage(gl_FragCoord.xy);
/* wpos[] group cent ( alone path )
vec3 tan = normalize(a_tan);
for (int i = 0; i < ${grps}; i++) {
vfollows[i] = modelMatrix * (tan * follows[i] + cent[0]);
vertexShader: `
uniform vec3 wpos[${grps}];
uniform vec3 wtan[${grps}];
uniform float follows[${grps}];
uniform vec3 orbScale;
uniform float offsets[${orbs}];
attribute vec3 a_tan;
attribute vec3 a_pos;
varying vec2 vUv;
varying vec3 P;
varying vec3 vtan; // ignored in v0.3
varying vec3 vscale;
varying vec3 vcent[${grps * orbs}];
void main() {
vUv = uv;
vec4 v = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( a_tan, 1.0 );
vtan =;
// gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
vec4 worldPosition = modelMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
P =;
vscale = orbScale;
for (int j = 0; j < ${grps}; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < ${orbs}; i++) {
if (length(a_tan) > 0.) {
vec4 vc = modelMatrix * vec4(wpos[j] + normalize(a_tan) * offsets[i], 1.);
vcent[j*${grps} + i] =;
else if (length(wtan[j]) > 0.) {
vec4 vc = modelMatrix * vec4(wpos[j] + normalize(wtan[j]) * offsets[i], 1.);
vcent[j*${grps} + i] =;
else {
// vec4 vc = modelMatrix * vec4(wpos[j] + offsets[i], 1.);
vec4 vc = modelMatrix * vec4(wpos[j], 1.);
vcent[j*${grps} + i] =;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * worldPosition;
} `