Affine Tweening¶
Affine Combination¶
Design and API for affine combination is not stable in current version.
It is planed to be upgraded.
Also a hard learnt lesson:
Let different systems cooperate purely only upon components, don’t trigger each other. There should be only one signal issuer.
Trigger combination events in XTweener makes things complicate. E.g. startween() set isPlaying = true, but call onStart() handler of a component should happened at next update loop, this will signal two different starting events.
If a system changed something useful for following updating, leave them in components.
Affine combination collect all orthogonal transformation from tweening results, typically an array of transformation data, and combine into a martrix4.
To make affine tweening start from where it’s finished, and can be combined from all tweens of the object (component Obj3), it’s updated in XTweener like this:
let \(f(\cdot), g(\cdot)\) stand for independent transformations, and z-transform for time expansion, such that
\(m_{0} = mesh.matrix \cdot z^{0}\)
\(m_{1} = f^{1}(m_{0}) z^{1}\)
\(m_{i_{f}}, m_{i_{g}} = f^{i}(I) z^{i}, g^{i - \alpha}(I) z^{i - \alpha}\)
where \(\alpha \in Z^{+}\).
\(m_{i} = m_{i_{f}} \cdot m_{i_{g}}\)
\(mesh.matrix = m_{i} \cdot m_{0}\)
There are two level of combination:
1. transformation that grouped into a combined one, like orbit moving.
2. at a parallel tween sequences updating, transformation are combined across
multiple sequences.
TODO refine these structure and debug the problem of results been reset after previous tween finished (\(m_{i_{f,g}}\) needing been keept as snapshots).
Core structure - Affine
class Affine {
m_f: mat4,
aff: array<AffineType>
1. Animizer:
compose all scripts into every CmpTween's affine field;
Obj3.m0, mi, mi_z = I
# mi_z is a copy of mi, to prevent mi been reseted before idle state fired.
# z ^ 1 stands for span of time affines updated.
each = new mat4()
idle = true
2. XTweener.update():
// setup idle as the flag of some tween updated (needing combined later)
// always snapshot m0 when a tween started
for each entity:
for each tween sequence:
for each tween:
if starting a tween:
// event: onStart() => clear m0;
if idle:
idle-edge = lowing, i.e. play-rising
idle = false;
update tween;
if none updated:
idle = true
if prev-idle = true:
idle-edge = rising
3. Affine.update():
A. if not idle:
for each tween in CmpTweens:
// This is how Tween.js works - tweened value got from the beginning.
A.1 if play-rising:
Obj3.m0 = mesh.matrix, i.g. the all tweens' starting point.
A.2 if starting a consecutive:
tween._mf <-
i.e. save previous mf for where this animation start to tween.
A.3 combine affine transformation for all tweens in all sequence currently updatings
Obj3.mi <- Obj3.mi.mul( fi( m0 ) * zi )
A.4 if the tween is finished, keep tween.m0
i.g. if all tween is affine and used for combine:
mf_z = mf
B. if idle rising:
mesh.matrix = mf_z
# this makes comination results been set to mesh, permanently,
# open for other updating, and can be re-taken snapshot as m0.
Affine transformation are accumulated in Obj3. \(m_{i}\) :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | // pinned reference 96-131
* Update affine combination for the object.
* @param {Obj3} obj3 combined target object with mi
* @param {CmpTweens} cmpTweens e.g. [{mi, translate: [x, y, z]}]
* @return {bool} dirty
* @member AffineCombiner#combineUpdate
combineUpdate(obj3, cmpTweens) {
var dirty = false;
for (var seqx = 0; seqx < cmpTweens.twindx.length; seqx++) {
var twindx = cmpTweens.twindx[seqx];
if (twindx < cmpTweens.tweens[seqx].length
&& cmpTweens.mf_buff[seqx]) {
var tw = cmpTweens.tweens[seqx][twindx];
if ( tw.affineCombine ) {
dirty = true;
// combine the mf even it's stopped
if ( tw.affines && tw.affines.length > 0) {
if ( tw.isPlaying ) {;
for (var ax = 0; ax < tw.affines.length; ax++) {[ax]);
if (cmpTweens.mf_buff[seqx])
A Note on Tween.js Behaviour¶
When Tween.js start a tween animation again, it will restore saved starting object for the beginning of interpolation. This makes AffineCombiner can’t drive tween animation from where it stopped.
- Test
- x-visual way
To handle this, x-visual save \(m_{f}\) in each CmpTween, as a bridge between 2 combination levels. Each \(m_{f}\) is independent to each other and to \(m_{0}\).
When a tween is completed inside a sequence, \(m_{f}\) has been kept, having combined tween sequences updating keeping use it to update the final \(m_{i}\).

The key point of x-visual way is that all finger print of tween driven transformation are saved in each tween for being combined later, orthogonally.
Debug Notes:¶
1. There do has an \(m_{0}\), set at all tweens sequences started, triggered by playRising, and at each cross update, post applied to \(m_{i}\).
- In x-visual v0.2, \(m_{f}\) is been taken snapshot by onStart handler.
Issue: This is not following the rule learnt through the hard lesson, but looks like an easy way to update \(m_{f'_{1}}\) before Tween.js is upgraded.
- Test case shows this way have significantly larger error in combined results.
Guess: this may comes from 2 sources:
A. The last affine combination is not updated as the XTweener changed sequence index, making last affine update skipped the iteration.
- The multiple mat4 multiplication incurred precision error.