MVC View

To the author’s knowledge, the ECS framework still needs an MVC pattern to handle user interactions.


The xview is used as default mvc view.

Xview is a singleton filed with properties cmds for commands queue and flag for commands length. All system that response to user action can access this cmds directly.


Only Input system can write the xview.cmds and xview.flag.

This rule are not enforced by x-visual.

At each update beginning, xview.cmds and xview.flag are cleared.

Input may not the only system parsing user input and generate cmds. The intuition for this is there may be more user interaction handler, such as a websocket client.

handling process:

Inputs: mouse | key events -> xview.cmds
WebClient: web-message -> xview.cmds
GpuPicker: Cmd.clietxy -> GpuPickable(


Input system always been created by xworld for handling user input.

User interaction been converted into User-Cmd for subsequent system handling.

On each updating iteration, the command’s buffer (xview.cmds) is cleared. This only happening at at the update() beening called. User action are buffered in an internal buffer.

If no new user action, a flag, xview.flag will be set to help to prevent unnecessary iteration.


If an entity has a GpuPickable component, GpuPicker subsystem will create another object for rendering the picking scene.

So if there are entities only with Obj3, they can be rendered as visible but not pickable, and can preventing entities with GpuPickable to be picked if they are rendered closer to camera.

In version 0.3, Entity with GpuPickable need a texture to work, so GpuPicker will create a defualt if it’s not provided.

Gpu picking is used for picking object’s with texture hole, so model with such texture should been specified by user with Visual.asset or GpuPickable.tex.

See AssetKeepr.initMyPickings().


The GpuPickable component has a pickid property, it’s been managed by x-visual GpuPicker subsystem. Users can not depend on this and must not update it.

[1] Three.js Picking (with GPU)

[2] Changing Materials at Runtime #2599