Scene & HUD

Main Scene

Objects including mesh, line & points are rendered in main scene, except one component, HudGroup and it’s children.

The Hello XWorld in guide page is a simple example for how to create main scene objects.

Main Scene Light

Main scene use a modified Three.js DirectionalLight, and the DirectionalLightShadow is enabled by default.

The default parameters:

skyColor: #xffffbb
groundColor: #x080820
intensity: 1.1
position: [1, 1, 1]

To configure it, set options of XWorld constructor; to change light, use Lighting#changeLight().

X-visual use this singleton parameter globally. When the object using material of Three.js, the light effects is exactly the same with examples of Three.js.

But x-visual use a diffuse light with direction (the light position) and a specular color use the light as point light. This is illustrated in the test case: light.

The diffuse color is the same as skyColor, and groundColor used as ambient color.

An object in scene has it’s own specular properties, so an object can be configured with Visual.paras:

Visual: {
  paras: {
    shininess: 1,
    specular: [1, 0, 1]




If an entity has HudGroup, x-visual will create a HUD of plane object, and all HudChild entities.

A HudChild must has a HudChild.hud parameter equals parent group’s entity id. i.e. entity id defined in HudGroup’s entity.

HUD Light

TODO doc...

HUD Example

These 2 objects are created as an HUD plane and a box in it.

var hud = ecs.createEntity({
    id: 'hud0',
    Obj3: { geom: undefined,     // ignored, always PLANE
            box: [60, 20, 0],
            transform: [{translate: [-100, 80, -100]}],
            mesh: undefined },
    Visual:{vtype: undefined,    // ignored, always mesh
            paras: {alpha: 0.3},
            asset: 'tex/byr0.png'},
    HudGroup: { }

var box = ecs.createEntity({
    id: 'cube0',
    Obj3: { geom: xv.XComponent.Obj3Type.BOX,
            box: [16, 16, 16],
            group: 'hud0',
            mesh: undefined },
    GpuPickable: {},    // FIXME Not supported
    Visual:{vtype: xv.AssetType.mesh,
            asset: 'tex/ruler256.png'
    HudChild: { hud: 'hud0' }

For the complete example, see test/html/hud.html.