

  1. Fix self rotation axis
  2. Extend volumetric shader for tube geometry


Shader scaleOrb is using ray casting for distance calculating, which is not good at shape figuring like ray matching, a slow method.

The scaleOrb shader use a scale inverse for finding ellipsoid distance, a simple version of inverse matrix. It’s said that’s expensive to calculate inverse matrix in GPU. So this shader stop here for now, with out direction rotation.

Is it possible to handle distance to model in vertex shader? Or simply update matrix uniform(s) for every vertex?

  1. Dynamic faces

Example: Three.js Custom BufferGeometry

  1. Optimize anti-aliasing

see Three.js Texture.

  1. SVG


  1. Implementing Shadow with SSAO


OGL Tutorial 45: Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

3D distance fields: A survey of techniques and applications, August 2006IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12(4):581-99 DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2006.56

A Complete Distance Field Representation, 2001

Generating Signed Distance Fields From Triangle Meshes, 2002

  1. Loaded GLTF makes outlined together with box mesh.

And further, if used in an other project, the loaded GLTF modules crashes with box object:

three.module.js:16034 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
    at WebGLIndexedBufferRenderer.setIndex (three.module.js:16034)
    at WebGLRenderer.renderBufferDirect (three.module.js:24169)
    at renderObject (three.module.js:24886)
    at renderObjects (three.module.js:24856)
    at WebGLRenderer.render (three.module.js:24637)
    at RenderPass.render (RenderPass.js:58)
    at EffectComposer.render (EffectComposer.js:142)
    at Thrender.update (thrender.js:920)
    at ECS.runSystemGroup (ecs.js:197)
    at XWorld.update (xworld.js:311)

There are Three.js issue about the same error.

Jsdoc API - AssetKeepr

  • bug: Obj3.uniforms.u_alpha will affect each others
xworld.addEntities( {
        id: 'way0',
        Obj3: { geom: xv.XComponent.Obj3Type.MapXZRoad,
                        box: [0] },    // y0 = 0
                vtype: xv.AssetType.mesh,
                shader: xv.ShaderFlag.colorArray,
                paras: {
                        feature: path1.property,
                        points: path0[0].points,
                        origin: origin0,
                        colors: [[0, 0.3, 0], [0, 0.3, 0.5]] } }

xworld.addEntities( {
        id: 'plane',
        Obj3: { geom: xv.XComponent.Obj3Type.PLANE,
                        uniforms: {opacity: 1.0},
                        box: [300, 10] },
                vtype: xv.AssetType.mesh,
                shader: xv.ShaderFlag.colorArray,
                paras: {
                        // texMix: xv.ShaderAlpha.mix,
                        colors: [[0, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 0.2, 0]] },
                asset: '../../assets/tex/ruler256.png'}

plane.Obj3.uniforms.opacity will hide / show way0

  1. ModelSeqs can’t handle asynchronously loaded mesh


This issue should no longer exists in version latter than v0.3.

test case: html/gltf-car.html

Problem: If setting animation sequence start at 0 (any but Infinity) on a gltf mesh, then the target Obj3.mesh won’t being ready when playing started.

Loading the gltf nodes is an asynchronous process, of which the node objects can only been ready for rendering latter.

Code snippet of starting Tween animation in AffineCombiner.update():

if (!e.CmpTweens.idle) {
    if (e.CmpTweens.playRising) {

Code snippet of Thrender.createObj3s() AssetType.gltf branch:

AssetKeepr.loadGltfNodes(e.Obj3, `assets/${e.Visual.asset}`,
    (nodes) => {
        // Too late to push mesh into mes now, add to scene directly
        if (scene && nodes) {
            for (var n of nodes) {
                if (e.Obj3 && e.Obj3.transform) {
                    var m4 = new mat4();

                    if (e.Visual.paras && e.Visual.paras.withTransform)

                    for (var trs of e.Obj3.transform)

                    n.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
                    e.Obj3.mesh = n;

Wish List

  • Port to WebGL 2.0

Kai Ninomiya, Zhenyao Mo, Ken Russell, WebGL 2.0 is Here: What You Need To Know, Khronos Webinar, Google, Inc. 2017 April 11

  • Animize Letters

See Ilmari Heikkinen, Animating a Million Letters Using Three.js

  • Tween.js Extension

E.g. Noisy Easing

  • Extends GPU picking with points picking

This needs implementing a point shader for GPU picking.

  • Tween.glsl

Jet Blue already had tried this :

// Vertex Shader

uniform float elapsedTime;
uniform float duration;
attribute vec3 targetPosition;

float exponentialInOut( float k ){
    // https://github.com/tweenjs/tween.js/blob/master/src/Tween.js
    if( k <= 0.0 ){
        return 0.0;
    else if( k >= 1.0 ){
        return 1.0;
    else if( ( k *= 2.0 ) < 1.0 ){
        return 0.5 * pow( 1024.0, k - 1.0 );
    return 0.5 * ( - pow( 2.0, - 10.0 * ( k - 1.0 ) ) + 2.0 );

void main(){

    // calculate time value (also vary duration of each particle)
    float t = elapsedTime / ( duration * ( 1.0 + randomNum.x ) );

    // calculate progress
    float progress = exponentialInOut( t );

    // calculate new position (simple linear interpolation)
    vec3 delta = targetPosition - position;
    vec3 newPosition = position + delta * progress;

    // something
    gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( newPosition, 1.0 );
  • Tween.affine

Have tweening transformation combinable.

  • SVG Shader


Stackoverflow question: Displaying SVG in OpenGL without intermediate raster

Stackoverflow question: Rendering Vector Graphics in OpenGL? [duplicate]

Mark Kilgard, GPU Accelerated Path Rendering
A general introduction. And here’s details about stencil.
Charles Loop & Jim Blinn, Chapter 25. Rendering Vector Art on the GPU @ NVIDIA Developer
Using control points to generate face?
W3C draft: Filter Effects Module Level 1, Editor’s Draft, 21 October 2019
Retrieved on 2 Jun, 2020.
3D wireframe in SVG @ grasshopper
A strange way to use svg filter?
Victor Gaultney, Martin Hosken, Alan Ward, An Introduction to TrueType Fonts: A look inside the TTF format 2003-05-23
Simple introduction of TrueType Font, together with Rendering technologies overview, and a font engine project, SIL Graphite.
simoncozens.github.io: How OpenType Works
Nice explanation of OpenType Font.
DirectWrite Font Cache (obsolete), docs of the Chromium Projects
Details about how Chromium sandbox handling fonts in Windows.
96-bit 8x12 Font, a shadertoy way
Using vec4 for each glyph, with the help of Charset Extractor from Images online tool
Inigo Quilez - iq/2015, Parametric graph by curvature, Shadertoy.,

License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


color = smoothstep(0.0, 0.01, vec3( d ));