MIP & Noisy by Texture


Rain drops on screen

A modified version:

// Author: Élie Michel
// License: CC BY 3.0
// July 2017

void mainImage( out vec4 f, in vec2 c )
    vec2 u = c / iResolution.xy,
         n = texture(iChannel1, u * .1).rg;  // Displacement

    f = textureLod(iChannel0, u, 5.5 * length(n) + 1.);
    // ody: LOD can be controlled

    // Loop through the different inverse sizes of drops
    for (float r = 4. ; r > 0. ; r--) {
        vec2 x = iResolution.xy * r * .015,  // Number of potential drops (in a grid)
             p = 6.28 * u * x + (n - .5) * 2.,
             s = sin(p);

        // Current drop properties. Coordinates are rounded to ensure a
        // consistent value among the fragment of a given drop.
        vec4 d = texture(iChannel1, round(u * x - 0.25) / x);

        // Drop shape and fading
        float t = (s.x+s.y) * max(0., 1. - fract(iTime * (d.b + .1) + d.g) * 2.);;

        // d.r -> only x% of drops are kept on, with x depending on the size of drops
        if (d.r < (5.-r)*.08 && t > .5) {
            // Drop normal
            vec3 v = normalize(-vec3(cos(p), mix(.2, 2., t-.5)));
            f = vec4(v * 0.5 + 0.5, 1.0);  // show normals

            // Poor man's refraction (no visual need to do more)
            // ody: but we can have a little using normal
            f = texture(iChannel0, u - v.xy * .43 / length(f));